January 30, 2010 – Sri Sathya Sai Hyderabad Youth Conference – Day Two
The previous day (Jan 29) many of the youth from Hyderabad had their first taste of Divinity as they basked in the joy of His darshan. On 30th, they were again immersed in His Love as eloquent speakers addressed them in the Poornachandra Auditorium. Swami was expected to grace the auditorium during the evening session.
The 3-day youth programme had other lecture sessions with various research scholars and faculty members from Sri Sathya Sai University addressing the congregation. The speakers for the 29th evening were Mr. Srinivas Srirangarajan, the Controller of Examinations, Sri Sathya Sai University, Mr. Amey Deshpande and Mr. Jagdish Chandra, both research scholars.
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The speakers for 30th evening were Mr. Sanjay Sahani, Principal, Brindavan campus of Sri Sathya Sai University, Mr. Shashank Shah and Mr. Sai Giridhar, both research scholars. There were many guests of honour for the session which included vice chancellors of many universities in Andhra Pradesh like the Kakatiya University and the Osmania University. Also planned for that day’s evening was the opening of a second phase of buildings at Sai Manonmani, the nurses quarters at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prasanthigram.
At about 4:10 p.m., Swami arrived out of Yajur Mandir and sitting in the car, headed straight towards the hospital. By 4:30 p.m., Swami alighted at the entrance of the new building. He was greeted by the Director of the SSSIHMS and Dr. Pillai from Singapore who had been instrumental in the construction of the new buildings. Accepting roses from the family members of the doctor too, Swami moved up the red-carpeted ramp.
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He was given a remote and He pressed the button to draw away the curtains that covered the commemorative stone. A small round of claps went around the selected audience gathered there. Those sitting on either sides of the carpet handed Him letters and took namaskar.
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Reaching the end of the corridor, Swami lit a lamp and then cut a cake. After this, He untied the knot in the ribbon that stretched across the doorway of the building. A gentle smile erupted on His face as He did this and one could not help make an allusion to life and its problems; how He frees so easily with a touch of His hand!
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Swami then moved into the building corridors. It had a rectangular atrium which was well lit. Swami gazed at it and then moved into one of the flats. He asked for the senior Pillai and soon he came forward. Swami asked him about the rooms and He seemed very pleased with the construction.
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After the Divine inspection, the Lord went along the corridors of the atrium and then came out of the building. There again, He spoke to all the family members who had gathered there. Then aarthi was offered and prasadam was blessed for distribution. After this, Swami got into the car and drove back towards the Mandir.
The drive which Swami takes is a sight in itself to behold. Like in the times when all the gopikas would rush out of their homes on just listening to the flute of Krishna, people rush out from everywhere onto the main road. Soon it is a riot of colours as people reverentially offer flowers to the car. Coconuts are broken by the dozen and everywhere people are waving camphor.
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The road below is covered with rangoli patterns and so many have conjured this up in the short time He spent inaugurating the building! It was almost 5:10 p.m. when Swami entered the Sai Kulwant Hall. He took a round in the car and since the window was open, all the gents delighted in seeing Him. Swami arrived on the stage and sat for the bhajans. A few bhajans later, He began to enquire about the programme in the auditorium. Soon He asked for the aarthi to be done and by 5:30 p.m., began to move towards the Poornachandra auditorium.
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Prof. Anil Kumar was addressing the youth from Hyderabad at this venue. He was enthusing them and coming to know that Swami was arriving, he quickly concluded his speech with “Jai Bolo…” to Bhagavan. The enthusiastic youth screamed out Jaikars even as Swami entered the auditorium from the stage. A small Veda contingent led Swami from the stage to the temporary stage that had been set. On the way, Swami interacted with all the assembled vice chancellors.
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It was interesting that almost every vice chancellor who had come had a story. Take the VC of Osmania University for instance. Prof. V. Tirupati Rao had agreed to come for the meet but then when things got hot due to the Telangana issue, he canceled his plan. Meanwhile, Swami indicated at Puttaparthi that the gentleman would indeed be coming. The organisers seemed flummoxed.
The unrest at Osmania grew to such proportions and a student committed suicide too! In search of solace and answers, the vice chancellor had indeed arrived! The VC of Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University decided to forego the AICTE meeting to come to Swami. It is true indeed that unless He calls, none can come to Him!
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Swami moved up the stage and blessed the proceedings to begin. The first speaker for the session was Mr. Sai Gollapudi, who completed his higher secondary education from Easwaramma School and Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Hyderabad. The speaker, divulging in detail about the initiatives taken to organize and motivate the youth, was categorical in expressing his grateful thanks to Bhagavan on behalf of the Hyderabad Youth.
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The next speaker was Mr. Ravi Kiran Sripada, an MBA from Illinois University, US and the Youth co-ordinator of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Hyderabad. He spoke about the "Sri Sathya Sai Reprogramming Lives Programme", an initiative by the Sri Sathya Sai Youth of Hyderabad. Sai Youth working with various MNCs would assemble at Shivam Bhajan Hall at 6 p.m. to conduct the training programme till 9 in the night. He narrated many an inspiring anecdote to highlight the transforming power of love.
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After this, Swami consented to give His message. Here is the gist of what He said:
Starting off with a mention of the life of Savitri, who with her unsullied devotion won back her husband Sathyavan's life from the Lord of death, Bhagavan narrated the sacrificial story of Chandramathi and Harischandra bringing home the point that Truth ultimately triumphs. Everything comes out of Truth and Truth alone comes to our rescue in the long run and finally everything merges back into the Truth, exhorted Bhagavan.
None can escape the consequences of one’s own actions. Pain and pleasure do not persist for long. Everything is the result of reaction, reflection and resound. One should do good and remain to be good for you are responsible for all your joys and sorrows. God is merely a witness. So cultivate values. Five human values are the ones which give live value to human life. A human can be called human only when he exhibits these values.
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All the worldly learning is of no use. Look at these lawyers, they carry heavy and fat books. After all, these books have the same A,B,C,D... (laughter). No use of memorising huge books if you have no values.
All that you see is the reflection of your inner space... this whole world is nothing but reflection, reaction and resound. First you are one, then you marry… you become two... then you have children... you become three and four... but in fact you are only one... All this is illusion! A mother sent her child to tend to cows. He was singing loudly when he heard someone repeating his song. When he called, "Krishna", he heard the same. He thought that someone was mocking him. His mother told him that it was his own echo! When one is unaware, one makes such mistakes thinking that someone else is responsible.
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All are puppets in the hands of God. (Swami narrated the story of Kanchanamala, an actress who came to Him saying that she had enough of the artificial "screen life") I blessed her with peace and ten days later, she breathed her last.
None are born with any name; names are given by parents after birth; all are essentially Atman. Atma has no definite form. The So-hum, the process of inhalation and exhalation, goes on throughout one’s life which indicates that one is supreme consciousness itself. You are God. All the names and forms of God too are born out of imagination. Rama, Krishna, Shiva are all from Ravi Verma's paintings.
Did he see them in person? No no! When someone asks you what is your name, tell them 'aham brahmasmi' 'tat twam asi' 'ayamatama brahma'. You say ' This is my body' that means you and the body are different. You say 'this is my mind' that means you and your mind are different. Then who are you? Inquire in this way. The greatest service you can do is to find out who you are.
There is no difference between Swami and you. Swami may be sitting on this chair and you on the ground... but in fact all this is illusion, the fact is that I am you and you are Me.
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Swami then called the second speaker, Ravikiran and asked him what his name was.
"Swami, Ravikiran"
"That is what your parents named you. Your true name is Atma, okay?" He nodded.
Swami continued,
"What is your name?"
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The boy did not answer. Swami then asked, "You like Swami?" He nodded whole heartedly and Swami materialized a beautiful golden chain with His pendant. Swami then said, "Time waste is life waste, do not waste time. Do not have any more illusion; do not have too many thoughts of activities, know by yourself the reality and concentrate on the principles of reaction, reflection and resound. Your own words will come back to you; action is bound to have reaction.”
The other speaker for the evening, Sai Gollapudi, was also called on stage and Bhagavan repeated the same question about his name. This time, having learnt from the ‘previous’ experience the speaker chose to give a wise answer. He replied: “Sai Prasad”, literally meaning the same. Upon hearing his full name “Sai Prasad Gollapudi” Bhagavan repeated the same advice given to the previous speaker telling that these are names given by parents to the temporal body and the real eternal name is “Atma” alone.
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He further assured the youth, “Call me by any name, I will respond…there is no difference between names….forms are based on the paintings done by Ravi Verma.” To the speaker’s prayer for benediction to continue his activities with much more vigour, Swami advised the youngster to go by His conscience as Swami was always there.
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Soon aarthi was taken and Swami agreed to move around the hall, amidst the assembled youth. But the highly energetic youth almost turned uncontrollable in their fervour to touch the Lord and gain His proximity. After moving a little, Swami was requested to return. As Swami turned, one could see some of the youth members banging their hands on their heads in agony at the missed chance.
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But Swami's heart was with them. He moved to the stage and asked for the chair to be turned around. He raised both His hands in loving benediction and gave a long blessing to all assembled. It was almost 8 p.m. when He retired. One could see the oozing Love and Grace in the twinkle of His eye.
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