Swami often
asks young boys, "How many brothers do you
have?" Boys invariably reply along expected
lines by saying two, or three, etc., as is the
case. Swami then smiles and softly whispers, "All
are your brothers!" After this He asks of
another boy, "How many friends do you have?"
Taking the cue from the earlier conversation,
this second boy would say, "Swami, all are
my friends." Swami would again smile, and
gently say, "No, all are not your friends;
God alone is your friend!"
For Bhagavan
Baba, quality is always more important than quantity;
and to stress it, He often says: "One ounce
of cow's milk is much better than a barrel of
donkey's milk!" There is an incident that
graphically illustrates the point:
the period the Super Speciality Hospital in Puttaparthi
was under construction, Bhagavan was quite busy
and could not spend as much time with His students
as He normally did. In the afternoons, after Darshan
and a few Interviews, He would be closeted with
One day,
after giving Darshan and receiving letters
from the public as well as students, He adjourned
as usual to the Interview room. Suddenly He came
out holding a letter in His hand. Waving the letter
He went towards the students and asked, "Which
of you wrote this?" Hesitantly, one boy got
up. Swami asked, "You wrote this?" Meekly
the boy nodded his head, fearing the worst. Swami
then turned towards the elders in the veranda
and said, "This boy is a student here. He
is very keen to contribute to the Hospital Project.
In this letter, he says that he is not a doctor
and therefore cannot contribute service. He is
not a rich man and therefore cannot make a donation.
He is only a mere student. Yet, he is keen to
do his bit. So, what does he do? He saves his
pocket money, collects hundred rupees and gives
it Swami." So saying, Baba pulled out a hundred
rupee currency note from the envelope in His hand
and displayed it to the devotees there. Bhagavan
then slowly added. "For Swami, these hundred
rupees represent pure Love emanating from the
heart. They are therefore far more valuable than
a big donation made perfunctorily." God always
cares only for quality and not quantity.
Once in
Brindavan, as Bhagavan Baba was coming out for
Darshan, He saw four boys standing. Swami
stopped and asked one of the boys, "What
is your name?" The boy told Baba his name.
Swami then asked the same question to the other
three boys. Two of them gave their names but the
third one said, "I am Swami." Baba then
told that boy, "In that case, go and give
Darshan!" and moved away.
Man certainly is an aspect
of God. In fact, as Swami says, man is
God. But this fact must be realised in the heart
and not merely understood in the head. And having
realised this basic truth, man must always
have that Godly feeling. Merely declaring, "I
am God!" will not do.
Swami loves
children and can be frequently seen talking to
them [especially the Birthday boys] in the veranda
in Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthinilayam. A favourite
question of His is: "Boy, how old are you?"
When the boy concerned replies, Swami's next question
would be: "How do you know?" Invariably
the answer would be, "My mother told me."
Swami would then smile and remark, "Yes,
it is always the mother who is the first teacher."
Changing the subject, Baba would then ask: "Where
do you come from?" Quick would come the reply:
"Swami, I have come from You!" Swami
would laugh and then say, "I just want to
know where you were born." After a bit of
light banter like this, Swami would then ask,
"Who am I?" Without any hesitation,
the boy answers, "Swami, You are God!"
Swami would smile, pat the boy and slowly say,
"You also are God!"