The experience
that is freely available to all and the one everyone invariably
looks forward to is Darshan. To be in the Divine presence
and to catch a glimpse of Swami as He gently glides along
is the longing of all devotees. Just for this, they come from
all over the world. How they crane their necks to see Him
as He comes out! That is hunger for the Divine; that is the
deep yearning for the Divine. If that thirst is there, then
He makes sure that it is satisfied
.whatever the place
and circumstances. Our joy is His joy. As Kasturi found out:
visited Kakadi village and Razole in the Delta of Krishna
river and then proceeded to the village of Sathyavada, where
the yearning of rural hearts drew Him. The village houses
have thick and high mud walls around them and so, Baba could
not grant Darshan to the thousands who filled the narrow serpentine
lanes. Sensing the anguish of the crowds outside the walls,
Baba had a ladder brought, a narrow contraption with eight
horizontal rods as steps; He climbed it, reached the top,
and got a precarious foothold on the crest of the wall. He
stood there, silhouetted against the sky, in the hot Sun,
to confer coveted Darshan on the people. I have seen Him ascend
the parapet of walls of storied bungalows and the top of His
own car in order to give Darshan to milling crowds and to
calm their ardour. In Bombay, He has walked on the parapet
of the Gwalior Palace; in Kurnool, He has stood on the narrow
slab on top of an arch; in Budili, He has stood on a chair
placed on a bullock cart; in Trivandrum He stood on the top
of a Fiat car in the hot Sun so that more people could see
Him and feel joy. But, this quick climb up the bamboo ladder
placed against the mud wall, the stately stand on the narrow
wall, will shine in my mind as a golden memory of His Grace!
On another occasion,
Baba went to Hindupur, a town about fifty kilometres away,
that He had visited last when quite a boy
He was taken in procession through the streets of the town
in an open jeep. While devotees felt that He was in the scorching
Sun far too long, Baba expressed His joy that the jeep had
wound its way through all the roads and by-lanes of the town.
Later He said, "How else could the sick, the weak, the
lame, and the old get My Darshan?"
The Darshan of Baba is a creative chance
to transmute our base metal into gold. To listen to His words
is to be charged with the current of spiritual regeneration.
To read His writings is to feed the intellect with wholesome
sustenance and purge it of egoistic dross.
us now find out what Swami Himself has to say about Darshan
on various occasions:
Later it may be difficult
to approach Me and ask Me. For, people are coming towards
Me in full, unending streams, and you may have to have My
Darshan from miles away!
There are those who
may never see Me in the concrete form. They have, all the
same, reached Me through a friend, a book, or a photograph.
To each of these, if they yearn deeply, I give My Darshan
inwardly. These too I love as deeply, for they have begun
to see themselves as being beyond their body, as Divine Souls.
This is the advancement towards Self-Realisation.
After My Darshan, always
find a quiet corner, where you may enter into the stillness
and receive the completion of My Blessings. As I pass you,
My Energy goes from Me into you. If, immediately after Darshan,
you start talking, the precious Energy gifted to you gets
dissipated and returns to Me unused. Be assured that whatever
My eyes see, becomes vitalised and transmuted. You are being
changed day by day - never underestimate what is being accomplished
by the act of My Darshan. 
My walking amongst
you is a gift yearned for by the gods of the Highest Heavens;
but here you are receiving this Grace without much effort.
Be grateful for what you are getting. The Blessings you receive
would express themselves in due course, when the time comes.
But also remember: To whom much is given, from him much also
would be demanded!
Well, it is time we realize how lucky we are to be able to
see God walking on earth !