Recently there was an important judgement delivered by the
Supreme Court of India, relating to an alleged case of malpractice
by a leading politician. The Court while acquitting the politician
made certain remarks and commenting on all this, a leading
newspaper wrote that it was a "mixed verdict - comprehensive
legal acquittal in the main combining with emphatic moral
" In other words what the Honourable
Court said that while no binding law had been violated, the
person involved ought to "atone by answering her Conscience
Naturally there has been widespread comments on this most
unusual judgement and one reader of a newspaper writing to
the Editor has quoted French philosopher Jacques Saurin who
observed, "The law often permits what honour forbids;
instead of asking 'is it legal', more people should be asking
'is it honourable?' These are the matters I would like to
reflect on presently.
I started off with the above developments just to draw attention
to how far mankind has moved away from the values it once
cherished. Once upon a time, the principle is what mattered
rather than the dry letter of the law but today it is the
other way around. In fact dodging the law has been perfected
into a fine art, especially where taxes are concerned. It
is supposed to be a crime to avoid payment of taxes. Yet,
the law allows some concessions and clever tax consultants
as they are known, are all the time busy advising rich clients
how to avoid paying taxes. In the end, as people complain
in many countries, it is the low-income group that pays most
of the taxes while the rich get away exploiting various legal
often said that there is a Moral Law governing the Universe
but today few acknowledge the existence of such a law. Law
is just what is in the Statute Book and anything that is supposed
to be in conformity with is claimed to be right. People may
wax eloquent about the Rule of Law and all that but one must
examine carefully the entire issue, starting with the question:
Which Law? Is it Moral Law or the Law as written down in the
books by some legislators, who think they have got it right?
We have for example the case of slavery which was for a long
time absolutely legal but morally the worst atrocity possible.
As late as the eighties of the twentieth century, blatant
racial discrimination was considered legal in South Africa;
there were just some cosmetic sanctions by the affluent countries,
even as they cried hoarse about human rights violations elsewhere.
But how many were actually disturbed in their Hearts? I wonder
how many of you saw the Attenborough's film on Gandhi. If
you did, I am sure you would not have forgotten that terrible
scene depicting the famous Jalianwala Bagh massacre where
about one thousand five hundred defenceless people, young
and old, were simply and mercilessly gunned down in one single
afternoon. Whatever happened to that General who ordered that
shooting? He was supposed to be legally right because he was
"defending the Empire" as it was described, but
I do not want to preach or pontificate on these types of
issues but raised them mainly to draw attention to an important
point often made by Swami, a Spiritual point in fact. It has
got to do with what He refers to as ATMA
DHARMA. Baba repeatedly stresses that no one, from
a king to a pauper is exempt from Atma
What does this Atma Dharma mean
and imply? Very simple: "Thou shalt not do anything that
goes against thy True nature which is that of the Eternal
Atma." In simple terms,
again due to Baba, "Follow your Conscience for your Conscience
is your Master." Shakespeare said the same thing when
he observed [in Hamlet]: "Above all, to thine own Self
be True!"
Half the problems in the world, perhaps even a higher fraction,
problems personal and global, would disappear if people acted
according to this simple rule. There is a son for bringing
up whom a mother has made immense sacrifice. When the son
grows up, he leaves his mother stranded and goes abroad seeking
greener pastures. The mother is alone, old and helpless. At
times, this boy feels guilty and tries to make up by sending
money, Conscience money as some refer to it. The son has violated
no law of any land and yet is he not guilty of the greatest
crime of all, sheer ingratitude? But nobody cares because
all the time we are only interested in legal crimes. 
Take the recent rash of corporate frauds. People immediately
started talking of stricter laws and stricter enforcement.
Hardly anyone paused to ask why there is a massive absence
of Morality in Society? Swami has given the answer but I wonder
how many would be able to recall it off the cuff. Anyway,
here it is, Swami's recipe: First, there must be Love for
God. Then there must be fear of sin [I would say mortal fear].
If these two are guaranteed, then Morality would automatically
prevail in Society.
Yes, this seemingly simple three-point formula is the sure
answer to everything from terrorism to corporate fraud to
the terrible spectacle created by AIDS, even as we go around
searching for all kinds fixes for the numerous problems facing
Think about it! Jai Sai Ram.