Test Your
Spiritual Quotient – IV
1. The Trinity of God, according to the Hindu belief, consists
of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the sustainer) and Shiva
(the destroyer) which we are aware of. What does the word
‘Vishnu’ really mean?
a) that which pervades everywhere
b) that which is the master of everything
c) that which provides for everybody
d) that which is beginningless and endless
2. How does Bhagawan Baba explain the eternal longing of
man – ‘ I want Peace’? How can one attain
the much-coveted peace?
3. In the sacred epic Ramayana, there are numerous episodes
that demonstrate the virtue of ideal friendship. Whom did
Rama befriend while searching for Mother Sita in the forest?
a) Guha
b) Hanuman
c) Sugriva
d) Jatayu
4. When and where was the First World Conference of Sri Sathya
Sai Seva Organisations held?
a) November 22, 1965 in Prashanthi Nilayam
b) November 22, 1968 in Prashanthi Nilayam
c) May 16, 1965 in Mumbai (then Bombay)
d) May 16, 1968 Mumbai (then Bombay)
5. Each of the eighteen chapters in the Bhagavad Geeta, we
know, is given the special name of a ‘Yoga’. What
is the meaning of the term ‘Yoga’?
6. Fill up the blanks in the following famous sayings of
Bhagawan Baba –
a) ___________ union with God.
b) ___________ are holier than lips that pray.
c) A man with dual mind is ________.
d) ____________ is the only way to immortality.
7. In the great epic Mahabharata, when the pandavas during
their exile where undergoing hardships in the forest, Krishna
appeared and gave them a scroll saying that they should open
it when they feel they can no longer bear the ordeals. What
were the words inscribed in that scroll?
8. Who leads the prayer in Islam, which is followed by a
a) Maulana
b) Qazi
c) Imam
d) Mullah
9. In which year and occasion was the monthly magazine “Sanathana
Sarathi” released by Baba to convey His message to every
home. What is the meaning and significance of its name?
10. When did late Sri N. Kasturi place at Baba’s feet
the completed first volume of the full-length biography of
Baba, ‘Sathyam Sivam Sundaram’?
a) 23rd November, 1960
b) 23rd November, 1961
c) 23rd November, 1962
d) 23rd November, 1959
11. Who is currently the contact person if you want to send
a prayer to Baba when HE is in His ashram in Bangalore?
12. Can you pick the odd one out from these notable books
on Baba :
a) Sai Baba – Invitation to Glory
b) Sai Baba – Man of Miracles
c) Sai Baba – Holy Man and the psychiatrist
d) Sai Baba – Avathar
13. We know that The Cross is the most revered and celebrated
religious symbol of the Christians. How does Baba explain
the inner significance of The Cross?
14. What is the most satisfying work that any individual
can do which can give heart-filling joy and peace according
to Baba?