of Sathya Sai
the distance, beyond the lotus-topped building of the Sri
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus,
is the Lion Hill, which, in certain seasons, looks purple
and majestic against a crimson-red sky. One would think it
was an ideal, sylvan setting for a College for women who,
in the future, would bring forth into the world lion-hearted
men and women – men and women that would restore to
Bharat its lost glory.
But, where did
it all begin? Where was this dream born? It took shape in
the heart of one of the noblest women of our time, one who,
no matter how rural her background, had the courage
to visualize a brave new world. Mother Easwaramma imparted
her dream to her Divine Son, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
She wanted that the women of this country, generally regarded
as weak and helpless, be fully empowered, and provided with
the tools of education so that the dying roots of traditional
values may be revived with the mastery of Character and Culture.
As the women, so the families; as the families, as Manu says,
so the societies; as the societies, so the nations; and as
the nations, so the world.
It is a significant fact of history that
among the educational institutions started by Bhagawan, the
first was the Sri Sathya Sai Arts & Science College (for
women) at Anantapur, in 1968. The building (that houses the
present women’s campus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute
of Higher Learning) was built in a record time of ten months!
No wonder, therefore, that Dr. Bhagavantham wrote, “The
College at Anantapur is a concrete manifestation of something
superhuman….If you want to see Divinity in action, you
can find concrete evidence at Anantapur!”
Inaugurated on 8th July, 1971, the building
is an architectural archetype of all Sai Institutions. It
is circular in shape, symbolising the fulfilment of the search
for God. As Sri Kasturi wrote, it looks “like a prayer
rising up from the heart, a poem of praise for the Giver of
all Good.” The then Minister of Education said, on the
occasion, “When Baba establishes a college for women
we may be certain that it will not be just one among many.
It will be a beacon, a lesson for others, a model, a pioneer.”
And, what did Beloved Bhagawan have to say? Bhagawan Baba
concluded His Divine Discourse with a powerful, prophetic
statement, “The seed has been planted; it will sprout
and spread, heavy with fruits, providing shade, security and
sustenance to all.” Little did anyone know, or dream,
that one day, on the strength of the achievements of this
Women’s College, the UGC would consider Deemed University
status for the Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning!
The College began with a modest figure of 125 students on
22nd July, 1968. Slowly, the strength increased, and a permanent
building to house the growing educational project was opened
on 8th July, 1971. It consisted of lecture halls, laboratories,
a spacious auditorium, and a well-equipped library. The student
strength in 1971 was 350. The first Master’s Degree
Course was introduced in 1972 in Telugu Language and Literature.
The Bachelor’s Degree Course in Commerce and Home Science
came in 1975 and 1976, respectively. From 350 in 1971, the
student strength increased to a remarkable 1250 in 1981 –
the year in which, with the benign grace of Bhagawan, this
College, along with its counterparts in Prashanthi Nilayam
and Brindavan, became part of the deemed university, Sri Sathya
Sai Institute of Higher Learning. A Master’s Degree
Course in English Language and Literature in 1982, a P.G.
Course in Home Science in 1985, and a Bachelor’s Degree
Course in 1986, a Computer Laboratory and a Plant Biotechnology
Laboratory in the year 2000 complete the picture of the academic
growth of the Women’s Campus.
22nd November, 1981, while announcing the inauguration of
the University, Bhagawan, in His address to the students,
declared, “Remember that all those whom we are accepting
now as leaders, whom we respect as holding positions of authority,
whom we worship as elders, were, some years’ ago, students
like yourselves. Therefore, you, in your turn, will be the
leaders, power-wielders and elders of tomorrow. Do not forget
this destiny of yours….Along with subjects related to
worldly knowledge, this University will impart instruction
in ethical, moral and spiritual codes and sadhanas. It has,
as its goal, the cultivation of the students’ minds
on these lines. Virtues, purity of the mind, adherence to
truth, dedication to the Supreme, discipline, devotion to
duty – these qualities will be fostered and promoted
in this University. Such seats of learning were established
in ancient times by the sages and seers of India and, as a
result of their self-sacrificing efforts, they have left for
posterity the priceless heritage of Bharatiya culture.”
One of the truly remarkable features of the Sri Sathya Sai
System of Value-based Education is that Bhagawan, the Great
Divine Teacher, has envisioned a process of continuing transformation
for His students. Education in Bhagawan’s Institutions
does not finish with the acquisition of academic degrees.
The values of love and service imparted to the students during
their period of study have to, necessarily, be carried forward
into society, and, from thence, to the world. The ends of
education at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning
are Spiritual Upliftment, Self-discovery and Social Service.
The educated receive many benefits from society, and they
must return the favours received by working for the welfare
of society. This is Sangha Neethi, says Bhagawan. If our education
becomes devoid of basic human impulses such as kindness and
sacrifice, modern children may grow with selfish traits and
minds, indifferent to the sufferings of others. The ideal
of EACH FOR ALL, and ALL FOR EACH may be replaced by EACH
MAN FOR HIMSELF! Not only are the students of Sai Institutions
trained in academic disciplines, they are also given exposure
to the concept of self-help and service through the Self-reliance
Programmes, and the Village Service Programmes organised during
the Dassera break.
At Anantapur, right from the inception of the Sri Sathya Sai
Arts & Science College (for women), Bhagawan’s instructions
were that the girls should be taught all the household arts
and skills, along with academic studies, since His idea was
to uplift the status of women without jeopardising the social
fabric of traditional Indian society. Therefore, the girl-students
had to sweep their rooms themselves, cut vegetables, roll
chapattis/puris, clean the campus surroundings on Sundays,
manage the dispensary, oversee the water-supply, weed the
gardens, etc. Apart from all this, they were trained to take
literacy classes for the adult workers on the campus, and
Bal Vikas classes for the children of the workers. Though
this routine may sound strenuous, regimental and demanding,
since alongside these variegated activities, the girls had
also to study for examinations at the end of each year, Bhagawan
was very firm about the details of this discipline being meticulously
observed, as the girl-students of those early years will testify.
Bhagawan insisted that the College emphasise on the cultivation
of physical health and mental equanimity, as well as scholarship
and proficiency. As a result, Indra Devi, from Mexico, was
invited to teach Yoga to the girls! Even today, in the Sri
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, every student, boy
or girl, is supposed to know the basic yogasanas for his/her
mental and physical well-being.
Bhagawan’s visits to Anantapur, in those early days,
were Gifts of Grace. He would advice the students about the
need for women to be ideals to society. He shared with them
His vision of a resurgent India in which women, no longer
‘abalas’ or weak, were endowed with the moral
strength to create a cultural revolution.
During one of Bhagawan’s visits to Anantapur in 1968,
He told the girls that, being the upholders and protectors
of Culture, women had to be educated in a different way than
men. It was the duty of the elders, Bhagawan suggested, to
see that the girl-students do not leave the institution without
securing the ‘priceless treasure left by the sages of
the past.’ A Women’s College, He said, ‘has
the added responsibility to practise and preserve the essential
values of Bharatiya Samskrithi.’ Thus, under Bhagawan’s
Divine Guidance, an ‘Indian Culture’ Class was
introduced - to be held every Thursday - to impart lessons
on culture.
Blessed was it in that dawn to be alive, to be young was very
heaven. Bhagawan’s Divine Plan for the redemption of
humanity charged every student with a sense of ‘mission.’
Though not the recipients of Bhagawan’s proximity with
equal measure as the boys, the girls hoped to participate
in the unfoldment of Bhagawan’s Plan, if not by doing
Great Things, then by doing Small Things in a Great Way.
It is against the purity and simplicity of this background
that one needs to understand, and appreciate, the eventual
formation of the women’s alumni association.
In November, 1980, a year prior to the formation of the
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, after Bhagawan’s
Birthday, the ex-students sat in a group for darshan, resolved
to plead and pray to Bhagawan that He should form an old students’
association for the girls, too! (Bhagawan had already started
“Kingdom of Sathya Sai” for the boys. They had
had their opening-day ceremony on 22 November that year.)
the girls sat silently together, next to the Mandir, one could
sense their anxiety – it was almost palpable. Some had
tears rolling down their cheeks, a fear having gripped them
that maybe Bhagawan would leave them – the ladies –
out of His mission. The routine of sitting and waiting, and,
when Bhagawan came for darshan, calling Him out in One Voice
to heed their prayer, went on for a couple of days. Finally,
on the 26th morning, when Bhagawan came out for darshan, He
walked straight to the ex-students seated next to the Principal
and the Warden of the Sri Sathya Sai Arts & Science College
, Anantapur, and said that He had discussed the matter with
Sri Indulal Shah. It was decided to name the Girls’
Alumni Association “Kingdom of Mother Sai.” The
girls heaved a sigh of relief, and tears of joy filled their
eyes! They gave their names for enrolment into this Association
to the office clerk-in-charge, and left for their hometowns.
The formal structure of this “Kingdom
of Mother Sai” had not been given by Bhagawan, but the
‘naming’ was itself a big step, they thought,
and left their addresses and telephone numbers in the office
register. After a lull of 5 months, in May, 1981, the final
fulfilment came.
Bhagawan’s College at Anantapur was preparing for Bhagawan’s
visit – always an all-night, all-day affair –
when around 10 pm, the night before, came a message from Bhagawan
that when He comes the next day – 2nd May – He
would formally inaugurate “Kingdom of Mother Sai.”
A few of the ex-students who were working as teachers in the
College, and some who were pursuing their higher studies in
the nearby autonomous Post-graduate Centre and residing, with
Bhagawan’s permission, in the College Hostel, were summoned
by the Principal to the Auditorium where preparations were
going on for Bhagawan’s visit the following day.
Hectic activities commenced. The old girls collected the list
of the students, who had given their names for membership,
from the office. Working through the night, they got ready
a banner, and a scroll, including all the names, and waited
with bated breath for Bhagawan’s arrival.
Bhagawan was received in a ceremonious fashion, and led to
the Auditorium. When Bhagawan was seated, a prayer was sung
and the proceedings began. As coincidence would have it, Ms.
K. P. Saileela and Ms. Shobana Nair offered the garland, and
stood next to Bhagawan for the Lighting of the Lamp. Ms. Rajeshwari
Patel spoke on the occasion. She thanked Bhagawan for accepting
the role of the Inner Sovereign (‘King’dom of
Mother Sai), and giving the girls an opportunity to participate
and serve in Bhagawan’s mission.
Bhagawan asked the Principal to bring the
old girls to Puttaparthi the following Sunday when, He promised,
He would form the Executive Council of “Kingdom of Mother
Sai.” True to His Divine Word, Bhagawan summoned all
the old girls into the Interview Room on Sunday. The Principal
read all the names out aloud. Each girl, as her name
was called, got up, did pranams to Bhagawan, and sat down.
Subsequently, He appointed Ms. K. P. Saileela as President,
Ms. Shobana Nair as Vice-President, and Ms. Rajeshwari Patel
as Secretary of the “Kingdom of Mother Sai.”
In the beginning, since the numbers were small, around 150
or so, and the largest single group of old girls were at Anantapur,
the members centred their activities in and around Anantapur,
and the villages on its outskirts. A variety of service programmes
were taken up. Beginning with visits to the Govt. General
Hospital and T.B.Hospital in the town, and an Adult Literacy
Project, the girls took up road and gutter laying work in
the village of Upparapalli, conducted Bal Vikas classes there,
culminating with a skit (using the boys of the village in
different roles) based on Bhagawan’s Cheppinatlu Chestara?
at the end of a week-long service camp. They spent their summer
break in the task of building mud-brick houses at Raptadu.
Taking advice and medical assistance from the concerned government
bodies, they also undertook sanitation work in many villages
on the outskirts of Anantapur town, disinfecting wells, spraying
pesticides in pest-ridden houses, getting wells dug, and,
making door-to-door calls, generally instilling in the village
folk the need to maintain health and hygiene through simple
and easy-to-follow instructions about diet and a clean lifestyle.
Several general medical camps and eye-camps
were organized at Prashanthi Nilayam in which hundreds of
people from the rural areas were given free treatment. After
the eye operations, post-operative requirements
such as dark glasses were provided free of cost. A camp for
the physically handicapped was organised in which a few hundred
persons were examined by specialists, and furnished with artificial
limbs on a suitable day. (After the setting up of the Sri
Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, the venue
of the medical camps was shifted to other towns and cities.)
On the occasion of the 60th Birthday of Beloved
Bhagawan, the girls built smokeless ‘chulhas’
for all the 60 houses in Subbamma Nagar, Puttaparthi. They
organised two mass marriages programmes in the Divine Presence
of Bhagawan at Prashanthi Nilayam.
The expenses for all these activities were borne entirely
by the members, and at no time were donations accepted. In
the initial stages of the growth of “Kingdom of Mother
Sai,” Bhagawan had, when asked, affirmed that when Good
Work is taken up, money will automatically follow. He advised
the Executive Council not to have any anxiety on this count,
and laid down clear guidelines for the execution of service
work. From 1981, till today, the “Kingdom of Mother
Sai” has been self-reliant in its financial resources
that are generated through the voluntary contributions of
its members.
With the number of members increasing, it became possible
for them to take up service activities in their own hometowns
– which is what Bhagawan has always emphasised: Charity
should begin at home. As there were bigger groups of students
in various towns and cities of India, they could plan service
projects that require more volunteers.
After a few years as “Kingdom of Mother Sai,”
Bhagawan changed the name of the Association to “Messengers
of Sathya Sai” since it was felt that the word “Kingdom”
might create some misconceptions – though Bhagawan still
continues to fondly refer to its previous name in Divine Discourses!
Today, the “Messengers of Sathya Sai”
has an official count of 2500 registered members. Since only
those who have completed their course of study in the Institute,
and have had full exposure to the philosophy and teachings
of Bhagawan, are eligible, it is important to note that there
are many more old students than are members of “Messengers
of Sathya Sai.” The members are spread over all the
states of India, except Jammu and Kashmir. The highest number
of members is from Andhra Pradesh, with Tamil Nadu a close
second, and Karnataka in the third place. Among overseas countries,
United States of America has the highest number of members,
with Nepal, England and Canada vying for second place. 
At the end of the year, every member is expected to give a
report of the service activities undertaken by her in the
course of 12 months. A consolidated report of the outstanding
work undertaken is presented before Beloved Bhagawan on the
25th of December every year, when the Messengers gather at
the Divine Lotus Feet of the Lord for the Annual day celebrations.
It is next to impossible to give an exhaustive report of the
service work being done today by the Messengers of Sathya
Sai, but, needless to say, they are all inspired by the spirit
of “Help Ever, Hurt Never.” A catalogue of the
regular service being done would be difficult to prepare.
The old girls do Security Duty in rotation throughout the
year, wherever Bhagawan is, at Prashanthi Nilayam or Brindavan.
Braille typing of books on Bhagawan has been going at the
Anantapur Campus of the Institute for several years now.
Apart from the organization of Medical Camps (at various places
like Cuddapah, Guntur, Bangalore, etc.), Narayan Seva, EHV
programmes, Free Tuitions for the economically underprivileged,
and visits to Cancer Wards, Homes for the Retarded and Physically
Handicapped, Leprosy Centres, Schools for the Blind, Old Age
Homes and Orphanages, the Messengers contributed money and
materials to victims of natural calamities such as the Orissa
Cyclone and the Gujarat Earthquake, and to the National Defence
Fund during the Kargil War. Besides participation in Environment
Protection and Afforestation programmes, the Messengers in
Uttar Pradesh are involved with the Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals. Many of the Messengers in different
parts of the country are sponsoring the education of school-going
children from backward areas. They have initiated Balvikas
classes in tribal areas, too! The Messengers at Hyderabad
runs an adult education programme for the poor, and vocational
training for underprivileged teenagers. The members at Chennai
organise monthly medical camps – general, dental and
acupuncture – at a fishermen’s village, Chinnaadi
Messengers from Overseas actively participate in Sai Centre
activities. In USA, Kuwait, Singapore, Israel, England and
Canada, the girls have taken up the Education in Human Values
programme at various centres to spread the Swami’s teaching
on Educare. The members in different countries help the victims
of natural disasters, contribute to and volunteer at Rehabilitation
Centres, Cancer Hospitals and Nursing Homes for Senior Citizens.
In some countries like the Philippines and Australia, they
assist in organising/or volunteer at Medical Camps.
Having been the special recipients of the Divine Grace and
Love of Bhagawan, the Messengers believe they have the responsibility
of sharing this grace and love with fellow brethren. The service
activities they do may be big or small, as per their strength
and resources, but they must never cease in this noble task:
The “Messengers of Sathya Sai” undertake all service-oriented
activities as a humble and loving offering at the Divine Lotus
Feet of Beloved Bhagawan, in gratitude to the Lord for all
that He has given them, and taught them – a definitive
spiritual goal, a noble path, and the loving way of walking
The Declaration at the bottom of the application form to “Messengers
of Sathya Sai,” which every student seeking membership
has to sign, sums up the sentiment:
“I hereby solemnly pledge to
strive incessantly all my life for upholding the highest ideals
of moral and spiritual living that I had the privilege of
imbibing during the course of my study at Sri Sathya Sai Institute
of Higher Learning, Anantapur.
In gratitude to the institution,
and ever in prayerful devotion to its Founder, our Lord, Bhagawan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I offer myself in total dedication at
His Lotus Feet for the Service of Humanity.”