Dear Reader,
Sai Ram. Continuing our series Getting Better Spiritually,
we offer a break in the general trend by offering you a few
stories that illustrate some of the points made earlier. These
stories are illustrative, and we do hope that they would encourage
you to compile your own collection. By the way, if you come
across any that you would like to share with us, do not hesitate
to do so. As always, we can be reached at:
Hope you enjoy the stories below and would find them useful.
Jai Sai Ram.
SGH Team.
We present below a few stories that illustrate
the importance of duty and work properly performed, i.e.,
with Atma Bhavam.
The following story is from Indian spiritual
folklore and it illustrates the importance God Himself attaches
to duty.
The story revolves around one Pundalika,
a great devotee of Krishna. Pundalika lived many many centuries
ago in a region of India that now forms a part of the state
of Maharashtra, where Bombay/Mumbai is located. One day, Pundalika
was busy massaging the feet of his elderly parents. While
working, he was constantly chanting, as was his habit, the
name of Krishna. In those parts, Krishna is worshipped with
the name Vittala, and so Pundalika was chanting, “Vittala,
Vittala…” [Readers may recall that many Bhajans
feature the name of Vittala. A good many of these Bhajans
have been composed by Swami Himself!]
Krishna was pleased with Pundalika’s
devotion, and decided to manifest Himself before the devotee.
For a Divine purpose, Krishna chose the moment when Pundalika
was engaged in discharging his duty towards his aged parents.
When Krishna manifested, Pundalika’s delight knew no
bounds; at the same time, he did not abandon the task he was
engaged in. He said to Krishna, “Lord, I am so happy
You have come here to give Darshan
in answer to my constant prayers. As You can see, I am at
present busy serving my parents. Please Lord, would You be
so kind as to wait for a few moments till I complete this
duty? Lord, I place here two bricks and pray that You kindly
stand here while I wind up. I hope You will not mind, will
You Lord?”
Imagine that! After a lifetime of prayer,
the Lord appears, and Pundalika says ‘Duty first’.
Is this not blasphemy? No, for Pundalika considered Duty also
as God. To get back to the story, the Lord waited. And when
Pundalika was through, Krishna blessed him saying, “Pundalika,
I am very pleased with you. You have set a shining example
to the world. You saw Me not only in this Form but also in
your parents. Seeing Me everywhere is the highest form of
devotion. Doing your duty seeing Me everywhere transforms
your work into true worship. I wanted to proclaim this message
to humanity for all times. That is why I manifested before
you at this particular juncture. From this day, the word would
go forth that DUTY IS GOD, and this spot
where you made Me wait would become a holy shrine!”
village where Pundalika lived has now become the holy shrine
of Pandarpur, and the around the bricks on which Krishna waited
has grown up a temple. In this temple, Krishna is worshipped
as Vittala. Pandarpur and Vittala feature several times in
the story of the Shirdi Avatar.
Many years ago, Swami visited Pandarpur in the company of
The story does not quite end here for there
is a modern appendix to it! When in Puttaparthi, Swami sometimes
visits the Super Speciality Hospital on what may be called
an inspection round. In the early days, wherever He went there,
doctors and nurses would crowd around Him and go with Him
as He went round. Baba was quite displeased and firmly declared,
“I have NOT come here to give Darshan.
If you want My Darshan, come
to the Mandir. Here, you are supposed to be doing your duty.
You therefore have no business to leave your respective stations.
Your duty is to your patient. If you really want My Darshan,
see Me in your patient!” Aided by firm warnings from
the Hospital Director, Swami’s admonition finally worked.
These days, Swami’s visits to the Hospital are not disturbed
by Darshan seekers.
Once, Baba materialised a golden pen for
a devotee. The recipient very meticulously used the pen for
taking notes
of Bhagavan’s Divine Discourses. For all other work,
he used an ordinary ball pen. One afternoon, Swami called
this person into the Interview room for something. After speaking
to the devotee for a while, Swami suddenly asked, “Where
is the pen I gave you?” The devotee looked at his pocket
and noticed that he was carrying a ball pen instead of the
pen given by Baba. He then said, “Swami, I use that
pen for spiritual work while for ordinary work I use this
ball pen.” Baba then gazed steadily at him for a few
moments and slowly said, “Everything is spiritual!”
it is that one is doing, it must be done perfectly, at least
to the best of one’s ability. To drive home this point,
Swami often narrates to students the story of Antonio Stradivarius,
the famous violin-maker of Italy. Swami says that Antonio
used to take a long time to make a violin, sometimes even
two years or so. When asked why he took so long whereas others
did it much faster, Antonio replied, “I try to aim at
perfection. God is perfect, and when we try to do things perfectly,
it would very much please God. That is why I take so much
One can see that in everything that Swami
touches, there is the unmistakable stamp of perfection. Excellence,
as someone said, comes by paying the maximum attention to
the smallest of details. Incidentally, the violins made by
Stradivarius have become collector’s items, with each
violin fetching a price of over a million dollars. Over the
years, many have tried to attain the high standards set by
Antonio but even with the help of modern technology, the violins
of Antonio remain unbeatable; they continue to reign supreme.
This is a story about a famous musician named
Tansen, who was a member of the Court of the Moghul Emperor,
Akbar the Great. [Akbar lived in the seventeenth century.]
Akbar greatly admired Tansen’s music
and one day said to him, “Listen, I want to meet the
Guru who made you into such a
fine singer.” Tansen replied, “Your Majesty, that
is not possible.” Akbar wanted to know why and Tansen
replied that his master was a recluse who lived alone in a
far off village. Akbar then told Tansen, “Make arrangements
for him to be brought here. Expense is no problem.”
Tansen shook his head and said, “Your Majesty, I have
already told you that he is a recluse and does not want to
be disturbed.” Akbar then said, “OK, in that case,
I will go and see him.” Tansen was alarmed and quickly
observed, “But Your Majesty, he does not like to be
disturbed!” Akbar replied, “That is no problem;
I will take a look at him from a distance.” Tansen was
very reluctant to agree to Akbar’s demand and so he
posed a condition that, he hoped, would make Akbar drop the
idea. He said, “Your Majesty, I will lead you to my
master, provided you are prepared to go incognito and not
as an Emperor with all the fanfare.” Akbar agreed. 
Akbar, Tansen, and the royal entourage went
into the desert [surrounding Delhi where Akbar held court]
and after some days, the party approached the village where
Tansen’s Guru [named Haridas]
lived. At this stage, Tansen made Akbar to change from royal
attire into ordinary clothes worn by villagers, and leaving
the entourage behind, the two trekked to the village of the
Guru. Thereafter, the two tip-toed
to the house and when they reached it, they heard music coming
from within – the Guru
was singing. The two stopped outside the hut, and Akbar remained
frozen, absorbed in enjoying the music. Tears were flowing
from his eyes, and it was obvious that he was at the height
of ecstasy. After a while, the music stopped. Akbar wanted
to go in and meet the great singer, but Tansen would not allow.
Holding Akbar firmly by the hand, he led the Emperor away.
After they went some distance, Akbar said, “Tansen,
don’t take offence. No doubt you sing very well but
your master is much better than you.” Tansen laughed
and said, “That is no surprise Your Majesty. I merely
sing for you whereas my master sings for HIM!”
Doing anything for God brings out the very
best and also gives the greatest satisfaction as well as joy.