Dear Reader,
Here is the second installment of the Gita
for Children that we started in the last Issue. We hope that you
enjoyed the previous one. In case you have any questions, please
write to
11. ‘Now who is this “I” that
is wearing the body? It is the Atma
Arjuna, it is the Atma! By the way,
there is no such thing as My Atma, your Atma and so on. It is the
same Atma that is present everywhere, wearing many dresses. There
is only one Atma, period.’
12. ‘Are you wondering how this is possible? Maybe an example
would make things a bit clearer. Just look up in the sky during
the daytime. You will see some clouds here and there and empty sky
in between. There is water vapour everywhere, including in the spaces
between clouds. In some places this water vapour shows itself up
as clouds; elsewhere, it is not visible, but it is present all the
13. ‘Notice two other points. Firstly, the clouds keep on
changing their shapes, and secondly, no two clouds are alike.’
14. ‘The same sort of thing happens in the world. The Atma
pervades the entire world, indeed the entire Universe. Here and
there, it manifests via the “dresses” called bodies,
not only of humans but also animals, insects, etc. Thus, all living
beings are the embodiments of the one Universal Atma.’
15. ‘Recall what I told you about clouds changing their shapes
with time. The same sort of thing happens to a living being or the
embodied Atma. The being passes through various stages such as childhood,
youth, middle age, and old age.’
16. ‘When the body becomes old, the Atma just casts off the
body and wears a new “dress”, that is it acquires another
new body!’
17. ‘Arjuna, I am telling you all this because
you started feeling sad about death. There is no need to because
death is just a change of dress, that is all!’ 
18. ‘Your problem is that like all people you are totally
focused on the body. You think you are the body. Tell me; are those
clothes that you are wearing Arjuna? No, it is just your clothing.
You are not the clothes but different from them.’
19. ‘In the same way, neither you nor I or for that matter
anyone else is the body. The Atma is our real nature. Death makes
people sad because they foolishly identify themselves with the body
and become upset when it is gone or about to go.’
20. ‘Arjuna, just think. You are a warrior and you have fought
battles before. I am sure you have on occasions slain people in
those battles. But all that killing earlier does not seem to have
bothered you at all. Yet today, you are feeling miserable even before
you have taken the bow in your hand. Why Arjuna, why?’
21. ‘Well, you wouldn’t know the answer and so let
Me tell you. Arjuna, you are feeling miserable today because the
people likely to die in this war are yours. It is this feeling of
“mine” that is really troubling and not death per se.
After all, you have slain adversaries before.’
22. ‘Arjuna, this feeling of “mine” comes because
of body-consciousness or body attachment. And such an attitude automatically
arises when a person thinks he is the body. But I remind you once
again, you are NOT the perishable body but the Eternal Atma!’
23. ‘This Atma is indescribably beautiful and wondrous. It
is Eternal and beyond both Space and Time. It is neither born nor
does it die. Do you understand that Arjuna? Drona and Bhisma are
all the Atma, just like you and I are. So how can they die? It is
their bodies that would get destroyed, like clothing becoming worn
out. Why feel miserable about something trivial like that? One day
or the other, old clothes have to be thrown away.’
24. ‘Arjuna, thanks to this process of casting off bodies
one after another, there is a practically endless cycle of birth
and death for the body. But you must not focus on the superficial
aspect. If you focused just on the body, you will see growth, decay
and death. Those changes do not apply to the Atma. Those changes
do not apply to you but only to your body. Focus therefore on the
Atma and not on the body.’
25. ‘This Atma that I am now talking about cannot be cut.
Fire cannot burn it nor water wet it. It is everlasting and all-pervading.’
26. ‘In a human being, the Atma shines as the Consciousness
and as the Resident of your Heart. By the way, when I refer to the
Heart, I mean your spiritual Heart and not the physical heart! This
Divine Resident is also sometimes called the In-dweller, or simply
as God. Since God is installed within you, you don’t have
to look for Him all over the place; just look inside, in your Heart!’
27. ‘Let Me now come down from these sublime
heights to something practical. You must be wondering what exactly
you are since you have a body and I am here telling you that you
are the Atma! The answer is simply
this: you are in fact the Atma, but
wearing right now clothing called the body. The Atma
with a body is sometimes referred to as the JivAtma,
or an embodiment of the Atma. Jiva
means life or a living object; so JivAtma
means Atma within a cocoon called the
body. To put it differently, JivAtma
is the Atma wearing the dress of the
body and the Mind.’
28. ‘The JivAtma
is thus like an actor wearing a particular dress. All are actors
in this stage called the world. And all are, without being actually
aware of this fact, playing different roles in the Cosmic Drama,
scripted, directed and produced by God!’
29. ‘As you know Arjuna, in a play, all actors
must speak their lines properly. In the drama of life, speaking
proper dialogue means following one’s natural Dharma.’
30. ‘This thing that I have just referred
to as natural Dharma is also called
Swadharma or Atma
Dharma. It simply means the Dharma
of the Universal Self resident within or, if you prefer, the Atma
31. ‘In simple terms, Arjuna, you must always
act in conformity with Atma Dharma
– that is what speaking the correct lines really means. Are
you lost? Are you confused? Don’t worry; I shall make it simple
for you. Following Atma Dharma
simply means following the Path of Righteousness, in a perfectly
selfless manner.’
32. ‘Consider what you are trying to do right
now. A war is about to start between the forces of Dharma
and Adharma, and you are supposed to
be on the side of Dharma. And what
are you trying to do? Drop out at the very last minute, giving all
sorts of silly reasons!’
33. ‘Arjuna, do not forget that Destiny has
made you take birth as a warrior. That is no accident! You must
therefore go through life as a warrior, doing your duty in conformity
with Atma Dharma. What exactly does
that mean in the present instance? As a soldier, it is your duty
to fight for Dharma and against Adharma.
But you want to wriggle out of that duty, giving all sorts of lame
excuses. Is that correct? Consider. In a drama, can an actor suddenly
say, “I don’t like this part” and start playing
(To be continued)