Dear Reader,
hope you had a holy start for this New Year, 2005. We did not
say ‘happy start’ because of a fact which we all
know: the Tsunami disaster. How could we truly be joyful when
so many thousands of our brothers and sisters were suffering?
We at
H2H spent the day praying for all those who suffered on that
fateful day and we are sure you too did the same. Prayers
apart, teams of Sai workers swiftly swung into action for
providing relief for the victims. Swami himself handpicked
a team and sent them to Tamil Nadu for relief. We are soon
bringing to you a detailed report on this calamity and services
rendered by Sai devotees in those places. In fact, if there
is something positive that came out of this disaster, it was
the human solidarity that was displayed in helping the victims.
People belonging to all countries, castes, creeds and ages came
together with the single aim of providing succour to their
unfortunate brethren. H2H salutes each and every one of them.
The Cover
Story this issue is on the Chaitanya Jyothi, a magnificent
edifice that attempts to depict the mission and the glory
of the Sai Avatar. The building, which was inaugurated on
18th November 2000, is a marvel and the story of how it came
into existence despite all odds is amazing. This is what we
present to you in this cover story. We later intend to start
a serial in this magazine, which will take you on a virtual
tour of this grand museum.
are several interesting articles in this issue. Don’t
miss reading ‘The Shadow Self’ in Feature Articles
and ‘The Miracle of the Ashes’ in the section
We thank
each and every one of you for your constant support and encouragement.
Do keep us posted of your valuable feedback.
In Sai Service
SGH team
3 - Issue 2,
FEB 2005 |
Swami says that the quality of our
service is more important than
the quantity... ... read
more >>
Ever since creation
the manifest universe has always been in a state of flux
and continuing to evolve, while Brahman, the formless
essence and primeval cause of all creation remains the
eternal and unchanging substratum. Everything has its
origin from this primordial source, the ever-present God.
Whatever enters the mind through the external sense ...
What is He? Who is He?
An angel gliding on a beam of light?
A divine feather floating past?
A surreal Presence?
But definitely not a man… read
more >>
- By Priya Murali Mohan
Mail across your articles,
Swami's rare photos, Poems, Divine Experiences, and also
your comments, suggestions and feedback to: h2h@radiosai.org