Dear Reader,
is the age of convergence. We live in an age where the traditional
boundaries between disciplines, technologies and sectors are
being erased. The Internet is one great example of this convergence.
Though the effects of convergence are visible mainly in the
way people communicate and share information, we at Heart2Heart
believe that this is only a nascent effect of a much larger
and divine force at work. This force is slowly, but surely,
erasing all the artificial barriers that man has unintentionally
created in his mind. And that includes the great barriers between
science, business and spirituality.
An increasing number
of people, who hitherto viewed spirituality and the so called
‘affairs of the world’ as mutually exclusive are
now realizing that spirituality is merely changing the attitude
with which you conduct the affairs of the world! Being a businessman
cannot stop you from being spiritual! Being a scientist cannot
stop you from being spiritual! And being spiritual does not
mean you that you cannot be a successful scientist or businessman!
This issue is a
testimony to this concept of convergence. The Cover Story
is on Mr. Sinclair, a successful businessman from the United
States and a long time devotee of Swami. He firmly believes
that the ‘Business of business and the business of life
are one and the same’. There is yet another story in
the Feature Articles called ‘Einstein and Baba’.
Einstein, perhaps the greatest scientist humanity has ever
produced, was a deeply spiritual person. Just note what he
human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe,"
a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the
rest: a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This
delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our
personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest
to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living
creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is
able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such
achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation
for inner security.”
Great men like
this are harbingers of a true and complete convergence of
life with all its diversity. And True Convergence is realizing
the oneness of everything in this Universe. This Unity, as
Swami says, is the pathway to Divinity.
Happy reading!
Sai Service
SGH Team
3 - Issue 3,
MAR 2005 |
in West Bengal
People are quite careful about the
way they use toilets at home but
when it comes to... ... read
more >>
His Footsteps
A beautiful
description of Darshan in the old Brindavan days.
It is time! Baba enters the private room of His residence.
It is Darshan time in Brindavan! He will soon emerge out
of the room and walk towards the gate, outside which have
gathered hundreds of devotees... read
more >>
Dr. Michael Nobel is
the great grand nephew of Alfred Nobel who founded the
Nobel Prize. Dr. Nobel is also the Chairman of THE APPEAL
from a TV interview he gave to an Italian producer…

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