(Continued from the previous issue)
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The husband leaves home, constantly chanting the Name of the Lord, without looking back even once. He is determined to go to the forest, meditate, have the Lord’s Darshan, and merge in Him. The children are bewildered and start crying. Devagiri Amma is confused and torn between two minds. On the one hand she wants to follow her husband. On the other hand she is drawn towards her children. She decides that she will leave her children to the care of someone else and go behind her husband, despite the advanced stage of her pregnancy. She goes to the house of a neighbour and knocks on her door.
D.AMMA: Radhabai, Radhabai, … [to children] you wait here. |
RADHABAI: Devagiri Amma! What happened? Have you quarrelled with your husband? Are you going to your mother’s place?
D.AMMA: No. My husband is disappointed that he did not get the Darshan of Parvathi and Parameshwara. So he is going in search of God! My duty is to be by my husband’s side and serve him. I am therefore going with him.
RADHABAI: Devagiri Amma, think carefully. It is not good for you to go in your present state. At least for the sake of these young children here, please change your decision.
D.AMMA: God Himself has decided that I should go in this manner. No one can change His decision! Lady, help me please, and take my two children to my mother’s house.
RADHABAI: Alright, I shall do so.
D.AMMA: Please! Please do me this great favour!
The children cry as Devagiri Amma leaves them and goes behind her husband. He keeps on chanting Om Namah Sivayah! He does not look back even once, though Devagiri Amma repeatedly calls out to him. He enters a forest and his wife continues to trail him; but she finds it more and more difficult. Meanwhile she develops labour pains. At this juncture a fierce storm breaks out. The lady takes shelter under a tree. There a baby boy is born. The storm abates. Devagiri Amma carefully wraps up the baby, places it in a safe dry spot and leaves, going in search of her husband.

A horse drawn cart is going through the forest and approaches the spot where Devagiri Amma has abandoned her new-born baby. In the cart are travelling a man and a lady, Mr. And Mrs Patel. They hear the baby crying.
MRS PATEL: Please, let us stop for a moment. I hear a baby crying.
PATEL: [to the driver] Ismail, stop the cart. …….[to his wife] Yes, I also hear the crying. Come, let us go and see.
MRS PATEL: Somewhere here……….I heard the crying sound coming from somewhere here. |
