determine the nature of the Divine, through the categories of logic
and dialectics. But, intellect cannot grasp it; reason cannot delve
into it. For, both are shaped by one's prejudices and predispositions.
We appreciate only what we like; we see only what we would like to
see. "When prayer is answered and one gets what one desires,
God is real; when they are not answered, God is a fake, a figment
of the imagination." Arjuna acclaimed Krishna as the Omnipotent,
Omnipresent, Omniscient God, when the foe was defeated, day after
day. But, when his son Abhimanyu was killed in the conflict, he raved
in his grief that Krishna had not guided him properly and guarded
him efficiently. His mind wavered with every wind of fortune. To many,
the mind is the master of the intellect also. One must be vigilant,
and preserve the impartiality of the instrument called Reason or Intellect.
Clarify Reason; then, it will reveal God everywhere, even in you.
Once you accept God as the core of the Universe and yourself, have
that faith strong and steady.
one chooses a life partner nowadays, the first consideration is paid
to exter¬nal beauty and charm. Next, the economic position is
taken as the basis. How rich is he or she? How much does he or she
earn? Questions like, 'How far are they educated?' 'What is the social
status of the families to which they belong?', are asked later. Carried
off by mere external frills, people enter into wedlock, and get entangled
in misery or a destructive family life. The family cannot be stable
if it is built on such slender foundation. Prime importance has to
be paid to the fundamental requisites of a good character, high ideals
of tolerance and forbearance, love and service. When beauty fades
or wealth wanes, the bond too becomes less strong.
It is the same
with the God whom you choose, adore and yearn to live with. You should
not choose God for the benefits He can shower on you. Do not expect
God to satisfy your worldly or material ambitions; and, when they
are not realised, do not desert the Path towards God. "Baba!
Appear in my dream this night!" you demand, and, if it does not
happen, He is not Sai Baba, he is Rai Baba (Stone Baba); and, you
go in search of some other God who will be at your beck and call.
You must hold on to your faith, whatever might happen, success or
failure, appointment or disappointment. When God who is your very
core is irremovably fixed in your consciousness, there will be no
room for elation or dejection. God is bliss, and when God is the undying
spring in you, you will ever have Bliss. - Baba