Dear Reader,
My uncertainty’, Swami says. In the last editorial
of Heart2Heart, we speculated on when Swami would go to Brindavan
and how the people at Parthi would have to learn to enjoy His
Omnipresence. But Swami has once again proved that He is just
beyond any guess work! Not only did He stay in Parthi till the
19th of April, but flew directly to Kodaikanal from here in
a chartered plane! This course of events was so unusual and
Now, why
would Swami ask us to love His uncertainty? Why is such unpredictable-ness
woven into His actions? Is there some message for us to imbibe?
Is it part of the training? We at H2H have reflected on it
and come to some understanding. It will be nice if you too
send us your valuable thoughts on this aspect. We will then
collate all the thoughts and carry a feature. You can send
your contributions to h2h@radiosai.org
The cover
story in this issue is very interesting: ‘The teachings
of Aristotle and Sai Baba’. The article has been
written by our friend from Greece, George Bebedelis who had
earlier written an article for us on Plato and Swami. The
article is a testimony that all great men from all lands and
ages have been teaching the same fundamental Truths, though
in different terminologies. Only, now God himself has come
down to remind us of the timeless truths once again.
are several other inspiring stories and experiences contributed
by our readers that will make a good reading in this issue.
We thank each one of you who have contributed to make this
magazine so wonderful.
We have
a request: If you find any article or story that has inspired
you, make it a point to share it with at least ten other people.
We have such a powerful medium called the Web. Why not use
it for starting an uncontrollable chain reaction of inspiration
and love?
Sai Service
SGH team
3 - Issue 5,
MAY 2005 |
you happy, sir?"
-by Sundara R.Krishnaswami
We know that the Love that Swami
personifies is the real prompter
and doer in our lives... ... read
more >>
a Veggie... ...
-by Jeroo Captain
I grew up in a family where meat, fish
and eggs were part of the daily diet. I had some friends
who were vegetarian, but the thought of becoming a vegetarian
myself never occurred to me. In
1993, I heard about Sathya Sai Baba’s work and my
two children and I started attending weekly bhajan sessions
Mail across your articles,
Swami's rare photos, Poems, Divine Experiences, and also
your comments, suggestions and feedback to: h2h@radiosai.org