discovery of Truth—that is the unique mission of Man. Man is
a mixture of Maaya and Maadhava; the Maaya (illusion)
throws a mist which hides the Maadhava (God); but through
the action of the healthy impulses inherited from acts performed while
in previous bodies or through the cleansing done by austerities in
this body or through the Grace of the Lord Himself, Maaya melts
way, for it is just a mist which flees before the sun. Then Nara
(human) is transformed into Naaraayana (God) and this Bhuuloka
(world) is elevated into a Prashaanthi Nilayam (place
of tranquillity).The illumination of Viveka (discrimination)
will remove the darkness which hides the Divine essence of Man.
Today, man hopes to dispel darkness by the sword, the gun and the
bomb, while what is wanted is just a lamp. How can darkness be swept
away by darkness, hatred by hatred, ignorance by deeper and vaster
ignorance? The very lust for victory promotes darkness. Leave all
thoughts of conquest aside; strive to know the Truth and when that
is known, false notions fondly held by you will fall off of their
own accord.
clearly the lovely image that is hidden in the rock. Release it from
that stony prison, remove all the extra stone that is encrusting the
idol—that is the task for you. Do not worry about Maaya;
concentrate on Maadhava; you are certain to succeed.
A tree on the Godhaavari Canal Bund will not go dry. It will have
a crown of green, for its roots are fed by the underground water.
Similarly, be a tree with the roots in perpetual contact with the
flowing waters of the Grace of the Lord and you need not worry about
drought. —