A Quiz on Swami's Life and Mission
Few months from now, we will be celebrating the 80th Birthday of our lord. It’s time we are familiar with His Life and Mission wholly. And so we have a new Quiz format this time which is designed to test, nay, tell you about the milestones in the life of our Lord. Don't worry so much if you cannot get them all right! You can teach yourself the answers and learn more about Swami simply by doing this quiz.
Every month is special, for most of its days have been hallowed by Bhagavan's divine Sankalpa as anniversaries when He started projects and undertook actions that stand as testament to a life Divine and an example to humanity for centuries to come.
As we are in July, H2H has picked out some significant dates for this month upon which Swami has made His mark in His(own)story. Can you remember the years to match these Divine events?