Dear Reader, the first crossword of H2H was in the April, 2004 issue (go here). After a long hiatus, we have in this issue the second crossword. This being the month of Christmas, all the clues are based on Christianity. If you cannot solve a few...there are answers along with explanations in the answers page. Mind you, this crossword is not to test you but educate you, so feel free to see the answers and learn.
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31 |
Want any hints? Click on this icon - 
1. |
His wife turned into a pillar of salt (3) |
 3. |
The first high priest of Israel (5) |
 6. |
A Book of the Bible (3) |
8. |
A group of persons living under a religious rule (5) |
11. |
The Greek knew (2) |
 12. |
It looks bigger in the other’s eye! (4) |
14. |
A Christian surname (3) |
15. |
A reference to an inanimate (2) |
 16. |
A persecutor who turned into a preacher (4) |
 17. |
A token of mortality as a mark on the forehead (3) |
 18. |
It spoke! |
21. |
Feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus (6) |
 23. |
The sacrament of the Eucharist (4) |
24. |
Jordan is an example for this (5) |
 26. |
He was the savior of all beings (4) |
 27. |
God’s bride (3) |
28. |
Count from the Mount (3) |
 29. |
The principle saint of many Christian churches. (4) |
 30. |
A season of fasting and penitence observed by Christians (4) |
31. |
Vatican, The Holy ____ (3) |
1. |
Not of the clergy (3) |
2. |
A tenth of one’s earning given as an offering to God (5) |
 3. |
God of fertility (6) |
4. |
Color that indicates expansiveness and power (3) |
5. |
An emperor who persecuted the early Christians (4) |
6. |
The kingdom ruled by the Herod. (5) |
 7. |
The “House of Bread” (9) |
 9. |
Great grandmother of King David, ancestor of Jesus (4) |
10. |
A Christian name (4) |
 13. |
Sathya (narayana), i.e., Swami, who is the Star of Parthi (1,1,1) |
14. |
Questions and Answers (9) |
19. |
The Lord loves this one too (1,6) |
20. |
Members of an ascetic Jewish sect around the time of Jesus (6) |
22. |
Second wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin (6) |
 23. |
An ancient prophet believed to have compiled a sacred history of the Americas (6) |
 25. |
A poem or incantation of mysterious significance, especially a magic charm (4) |
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