Heart2Heart is very pleased to bring you two newspaper articles, one from Taiwan and the other from New Zealand. Swami’s mission of service has always been global and these are just two examples which have come to our attention from ‘far off’ places. Both are fully supportive of the Sai Organization and the work undertaken. The articles cover Swami’s extraordinary life, His service projects and how so many have been inspired to follow His call to ‘Love all Serve all’.
A New Zealand newspaper, Auckland Courier, on Nov 10th 2005, said -
Its (the Sai Organisation) range of service activities include providing free sandwiches and nutritional food items to needy school children and the City Mission Night Shelter occupants, soup kitchens, rest home and hospice visits, visits to children's hospitals and the sick, befriending the elderly and lonely on a one to one basis, conducting free medical clinics, running food banks for the needy, serving meals on wheels, tutoring needy school and refugee children in English, Mathematics and Science, helping settling of refugees, blood donation and conducting meditation, prayer and light yoga for prison inmates.
The organisation has been recognised as the leading blood donor in the country.
The wide range of services provided and the sprit of love, compassion and empathy with which these are implemented have earned the organisation the regard of community leaders and the wider community as a dependable and compassionate service giver and strengthened its spiritual bond with the community.
Mention is also made of the very successful EHV programme at the Sathya Sai Pre-school in Rongomai, Ottara -
Auckland Courier, 10th Nov, 2005 in New Zealand |
“Where education is given free to the 40 children on its roll. The Sathya Sai Values Education Programme is skillfully woven into the New Zealand National Early Childhood Curriculum and high quality values-based education is provided.
The quality of preschool education is well recognized by the Ministry of Education and by the wider community.
This programme has another dimension. It has been introduced in some schools and the school authorities are delighted with the impact of the programme on building the character of their children. An action plan is currently being implemented to introduce it on a phased basis to other schools.
Teacher training workshops for values based teaching are being arranged and work is proceeding apace in the preparation of suitable lesson plans and the collation of resource materials.”
The article finishes with a very upbeat and positive summary,
“The above activities are underpinned by the study and practice of spirituality, drawn from the essence of the teachings of all religions, scriptures and cultures and emphasising the underlying oneness of humanity behind the apparent diversity.
The conduct of weekly devotional singing sessions, regular study of spiritual material and the practice of external and internal spiritual disciplines for making spirituality an integral part of daily living constitute the bedrock of the organisation's spiritual programme.
These practices and the activities carried out are having tangible impact and bringing about a real transformation in the lives of peoples of all faiths, all races and all backgrounds.
The spiritual radiance of Sathya Sai's teachings and his immeasurable Love harnessed in the service of humanity are manifesting his influence in all corners of the globe and are working a revolution which will illumine humanity and transform the world from gross materialism and selfish competition into one of Divine understanding, unity and peace.”
The article from Taiwan in the China Post of Nov 11th 2005, is entitled ‘Giving Selfless Service and Divine Love in Swami’s Name’. It comments on the worldwide service activities of the Sai organization, Swami’s life and His message, and also the massive service projects such as for drinking water, free education and healthcare.
The article covers the activities of the two Sai Centres in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, and reads:
“The two centres in Taipei – one downtown and one in Tienmu – have held many community service activities in the past few years.
They have conducted numerous teacher training seminars under the Sathya Sai Education in Human values programme.
Blood donation camps are held every 3-4 months. ‘To date over 3000 bags of blood have been collected for the Blood Bank of Taiwan ’ said an active Sai Baba devotee.
The China Post, November 11th 2005 in Taiwan |
The downtown centre operates a kindergarten where 9 students are educated free of charge. Forty children of various ages benefit from the weekend Sathya Sai Educare classes. The members regularly visit orphanages and old people’s homes, providing residents not only with food and other commodities but also with time care and attention. The centre lends a helping hand whenever disaster strikes Taiwan or neighboring countries.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba has inspired millions to pursue self-realisation and to serve others. In a world filled with incessant terrorism threats and continual natural disasters, it is exhilarating to encounter his message of love and compassion.”
(China Post - Nov 11th 2005)
These two articles above show how the divine vibrations of the Avatar reach all around the world and create divinely inspired actions which lead to a better and more caring world. Where would we be without His Concern and Grace?
- Heart2Heart Team