(To read it again, click here)
Sundaram has a variety of volunteers from various parts of Chennai and from different levels of society carrying out service in Sundaram. On entering the place, we realize its peace and serenity. It has some kind of aura which radiates a feeling for each devotee who steps into this temple of bliss. Once a person, (devotee or non-devotee) enters, he is relieved of all ego, jealousy, evil and all bad thoughts... It just creates a serene mind with pleasant and peaceful thoughts and brings a lot of patience.
I have been visiting this temple regularly twice a week for the past five years and this has brought about lots of drastic changes in me and my behaviour and has made me a more conscious and dedicated worker. No other place that I have ever visited before in Madras has created such a change in me. I strongly feel that this temple is solely run by the unity among the people and it is self discipline that has lead to the making of this wonderful place.
I wish there were many more Sundarams around Chennai so that it facilitates the enhancement of the mind leading to a more dedicated, contented and happy society.
Thanking You,
(To read it again, click here)
Dear hands behind H2H,
Many congratulations and laurels to the special bulletin. I was just waiting to read the update like millions of followers all over the world. For us this is a very great opportunity to get to know the activities of the Nilayam and Swami. All sections of H2H are really good, simple and highly inspirational.
Surely the report of the effort put in by the people during the birthday celebrations was a great lesson - in the sense that what each of us does is very little and yet we strive to take the credit, while this mammoth function was done with so much of ease due to Swami's grace. The photographs were good. The report was so lively that at so many places I had to sit and introspect. Please continue this updating, for all of us who are away and long to be near Swami, it is a great relief and instant inspiration to do better service.
Brinda Ramanathan,
Trivandrum, India.
Dear Heart2Heart Team,
Sai Ram,
At the outset I must say that it is wonderful that you have been blessed with this unique Seva opportunity of spreading Swami's message. The inspirational messages of Swami are a daily tonic for us. Reading Sai inspires is like having a map before going to any destination; with a map in hand the chances of getting lost are reduced to minimum. In fact "Sai Inspires" along with the H2H journal are like having a navigator service in your car in the journey of life. I have forwarded Sai Inspires to many of my friends - even to those who do not know much about Swami.
All the articles in the journal are very informative and the pictures and details are very good. I have no clue as to how my friends will find it. The quiz part of the journal is my children’s favorite. It’s nice that you are drawing attention to different articles and related discourses. I am planning to start using the Bhajan tutor - only then I can tell others how to use it. One suggestion along with Bhajans is that it could be nice to include Mantras or Veda chanting.
You are doing great work!!!
May Bhagawan Bless Us All,
Suman Rana
(Dear Suman Rana, The Books and Publications Trust, Prashanti Nilayam already has an interactive CD for learning selected Vedic hymns “Veda Pushpanjali - 01 and 02”. Please consider using them to learn Vedic hymns - H2H Team).
I just wanted to say that every time I have some confusion in my mind I only have to open my mail and look up for the answer in Swami’s words - it does help me a lot. It is so difficult to stop desiring, but after knowing Swami’s words I have some peace.
Thank you for serving humanity in this way.
Nadia Chávez Sumarriva,
Lima, Perú.
If you are not subscribed to Sai Inspires, and would like to, please click here
Dear H2H Team,
Thank you for the response to a social activist. Your information helps us, the humble with simple faith, to know more - juxtaposed with the negative criticisms of the less informed.
Sadly few of these critics realize that here we have a Swami who asks for nothing in return. He will not even think negatively of these vicious hounds. They (the critics) are to be pitied for they are a sad bunch that would love to pick on the good and harmless. They do not have the courage to comment on proselytizing groups that look for money at every turn when doing any work for the poor or the needy to further their own agendas. Some will even kill in the name of God. Would these critics comment on them? No. They have to spend their energies where they can get glamour without fear of being held accountable.
Sadly, in this information age, sensationalism is what most media look for, and rationalists make good copy. So why not trample the Good Work and nit-pick to find and highlight the miniscule?
Thank you for the response. We must have some rebuttal periodically, even if it is on a small scale, to inform and alert our members.
Sai Ram,
Perry Naidoo.
Dear Sir,
What an excellent article ‘Irrational Rationalists’ is! Let´s have more of that kind of article.
It is very informative from time to time to write articles like that, as there probably are some people, who become confused over all the negative writing about godlike qualities like Swami’s. Those who write negatively about Swami are indeed odd and strange, because if they cannot see all what He is doing for man on 3 levels – body, mind and spirit - they must somehow have a defect, when they cannot see the good other people are doing to humanity.
A small story from my homeland Denmark. We have a very dignified and noble man called Maersk Mc Moeller. He has created a world wide consortium in the shipping industry. As he has gifted a lot to the Danish people and to people in other land; he also lately gifted the Danes a big Opera House.
Immediately, there were some powerful people in the press writing in the newspaper, that Maersk Moeller is very "egoistic and a dictator". There was no ‘thank you’ for the gift. No musing over the good quality in a man gifting a lovely opera building to the people. These are the "mind people" who have no or very little experience of divine matters. So how can they really understand what it is all about? If they just knew what it means to come to Swami’s Lotus Feet, they would be very ashamed of their earlier thinking.
I often think that it should be a "must" in all the newspapers to have a spiritual writer. Most parts of the world need input from spiritual writers, who really can explain about the spiritual life. The feeling of peace and love and trying to do good to other people every day is such a great feeling of richness.
The fact is, there are many people, who are tired of all the uncaring, unkind, jealous, aggressive people who only see bad where there is good. They misuse their position as journalists, editors and newspaper owners to spread their wrong judgment.
So thank you again for the lovely, logical article.
Sincerely Yours,
Sonja Engman Wilson,
I am so glad to go through this week's Sunday special. I come from Kolkata, but now live in California, US. I came here only last year as a PhD pursuant in Statistics in University of California, Riverside. My family has been in Swami's fold since 1973. Since my birth I have seen the abounding grace of Swami.
I am glad you mentioned the Ganga Sagar project. I have been an active member in the youth wing in Kolkata, and have personally seen the high level of motivation and devotion of the youths for Swami and Seva. This is absolutely mind-boggling when you compare this with the general anti-spiritual atmosphere that exists. What is this if not Swami's wonderful miracle?
You have correctly said that we should pity the "rationalists"...they do not understand the joy and peace that a spiritual life confers...and the joy and bliss that the Avatar brings in the lives of the people who even make half an attempt to Love Him! And in this they end up being the greatest irrationalists.
My friends, who either know very little of Swami, or know all the wrong things have now started respecting Swami. They had no idea about the tremendous humanitarian projects Swami is carrying out. You are right...people have no idea about the tremendous Seva Swami's devotees are carrying out all over the world...silently!
I just shared my story. I am attaching 3 pictures of my altar and how my friends participated in the Saraswati and Kali puja that I performed at my apartment. They really enjoyed the spiritual atmosphere that was created by Swami's grace!
Debarshi Dey,
Teaching Assistant,
University of California, Riverside, USA.
- Heart2Heart Team