(Continued from the previous issue)
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It is 23rd November, 1926;
Monday, in the holy month of Kartik.
It is an auspicious day when Lord Siva is worshipped and at Kondama Raju’s house worship of Lord Siva is in progress.
Meanwhile, Easwaramma is in a room inside closeted with ladies. She is having labor pains. Everyone is anxiously awaiting the birth of the baby. This includes Kondama Raju and Venkama Raju.
VENKAMA RAJU: It is half an hour since Kamalamma told us that Easwaramma’s labor pains have started.
KONDAMA RAJU: Venkamma, today is Monday in the month of Kartik. It is an auspicious day on which people worship Lord Siva in the temple.
Subbamma comes to the Raju house, to be of assistance at the time of the birth of the baby.
VENKAMA RAJU: Subbamma, you have come at the right time! Please go inside.
SUBBAMMA: I will, thank you.
Subbamma goes into the room where Easwaramma is.
SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, here is sacred Prasaadam, take it.
A little later the cry of a baby is heard. Everyone is very happy!
VENKAMA RAJU: Listen! That is the cry of the baby!
A lady comes out of the bedroom.
LADY: [to Kondama] Sir, a grandson has been born.
KONDAMA RAJU: Venkama, did I not tell you that you will get a son and I will get a grandson? This grandson is no ordinary one but the very embodiment of God. Venkamma, Parvathi, Seshama Raju! Won’t you get some sweets for Grandfather?
VENKAMMA: As you say, Grandpa. We want to see our brother.
KONDAMA RAJU: Certainly.
VENKAMA RAJU: Father, is there anything sweeter than your words?
KONDAMA RAJU: The year is Akshaya, the month is Kartik, the day is Monday, and the star is Arudra. A jewel has been born in the Ratnakara family. The Lord of the Universe has Himself taken birth here! The world is going to prosper and be happy!

A few days pass. The child is given a ceremonial bath and made ready for the naming ceremony. The baby boy is brought to Kondama Raju.
KONDAMA RAJU: [holding the baby in his hand] Treating Him as a gift of Lord Sathya Narayana, we shall name Him Sathyanarayana Raju.

Sometime later. The baby is in the cradle. Easwaramma comes there and looks admiringly at the baby. Suddenly she sees a wonderful and remarkable Divine glow around the infant. She is amazed and dazed. Meanwhile, Subbamma comes to her house and calls from outside, but Easwaramma fails to hear her calls.
SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, Easwaramma. [She waits; no response; calls out again], Easwaramma!
EASWARAMMA: [finally responds] Coming Subbamma!
SUBBAMMA: I had to call for you three times! You are looking only at the child but not in my direction. Did you not hear me? Are you so much enchanted by the child?
EASWARAMMA: I saw a Divine Aura around the head of the baby. While I was gazing at it, it disappeared. I was engrossed and perhaps that’s the reason why I did not hear you.

SUBBAMMA: Easwaramma, Sathya is no ordinary child. Born on a Monday in the month of Kartik, this child is another form of Shiva.
EASWARAMMA: Subbamma, don’t tell anyone about this aura. People may start feeling jealous, and also cast evil eyes on the child. Isn’t it a fact that all tongues and all eyes are not alike?
SUBBAMMA: Yes, yes, that is true. Oh, I forgot the purpose for which I came here. See, I have made this silk dress for Sathya.
EASWARAMMA: It is very nice, Subbamma. You love Sathya so much.
SUBBAMMA: There is no one who does not love Sathya.