Dear Reader,
We at Heart2Heart feel ourselves very fortunate that we are able to serve you in whatever way we can. We are doubly blessed when we receive feedback from you as not only are we encouraged by your response, but we can make also changes to our format and content according to your suggestions. It is therefore with a feeling of great gratitude that we publish these letters from you, both to say ‘thank you’ and to confirm to you that we read them all and take note of the contents! Please keep them coming!
(To read the story again, click here)
Today Feb 8, the "cover story" arrived on my email server. Since Swami's Birthday celebration I have been looking for this kind of report. The celebration report confirmed what I imagined, "out of sight." Earlier I had downloaded attachments with celebration pictures, but this gives me the greatest satisfaction. I am experiencing an inner glow from the report. My printer is a black and white laser and the results are less than what the web page shows.
I have been asking Swami for His grace to find my way there. I know when He sees me truly ready, nothing will stand in the way of my visit to Him. I work at making His residence in my heart a place of my loving devotion, and extend that to my fellow "temples." His patient love will get me there.
Thank you for sharing the report. The words and pictures conveyed so much but much more went on there, since words and pictures have limitations. This present report I treasure.
Love to all,
Carl Rosen.
I have gone through the details of food arrangements made for the 80th Birthday at Puttaparthy and what an amazing effort of thousands of Sai brothers and sisters. Those who have and could participate are the really lucky ones who have the Divine grace on them. My words are not enough to praise the work done during the time, it is only Swami's miracle which has made this possible. Pranams to all those brothers / sisters who took part in the service.
Narayan S.N.S.,
Dear H2H Team,
I have no words to describe my feelings regarding the cover story ‘Behind the 80th birthday celebrations’. How nicely written, for people like me who were not there physically to feel SAI presence through the dedication, love and action of volunteers, Seva Dal members and delegates. So many times tears came to my eyes, reading the article, as if I was there personally visualizing everything. Amazed at the dedication of young devotees, who are so highly placed doing all work. Thanks for writing so beautifully everyone's feelings & experiences so people like me, who did not attend the Birthday were literally transported to the hill stadium in the presence of Bhagavan.
Thank you for the great work.
Love, Sairam,
Rajesh, NY, USA.
(To read it again, click here)
Dear Heart2Heart Team,
Your articles are always excellently done, with beautiful pictures as well. I particularly enjoyed the article called "My Introduction to the Vedas". Will there be more like it? I am a Sanskrit student here in Toronto, and Swami's revival of Vedic study is hugely exciting for me. It seems as if the emphasis on Vedic culture and cultivation in Prashanti has only become more intense with the passing of time, which is so very inspiring for all of us overseas. Indeed, Swami's approach to the Vedas is anything but dry and bookish. There is so much life and vibrancy and power that we can feel it all the way over here. Please do include more articles on the Vedas and Vedic study. They are much appreciated.
Sai Ram,
Ellesha Wanigasekera,
Sai Ram, I would like to express my gratitude to Sai Brothers and Sisters of Heart2Heart for your Love and Dedication to propagate Swami's Teachings. I am trying to do same too and your messages help me a lot to share with others our Sadguru's recommendations for a better world. Thanks again.
- ‘Shrimatee’, Mauritius .
Sai Ram H2H team,
Hi - Sai Ram. I just have to thank you again for providing the beautiful daily photos of Baba and the quote (Sai Inspires). My 10 year old was just marveling with delight at how the quote so often is on a theme we were just discussing.
Thank you Baba and thank you Heart2Heart team!
- Janice Nigro, Ithaca , NY , USA .
Loving Sai Rams to the Heart2Heart Team for charging my daily mornings with Swami's inspirations. The special messages sent along with Sai Inspires are also an occasional booster which strengthens our virtues. I wish the newsletter will grow and inspire more and more people across the world with Swami's golden messages. Thanks for allowing me to share the Divine Bliss. Jai Sai Ram
NareshKumar B,
Ruwais, UAE.
Sai Ram H2H Team,
Our family waits eagerly everyday for the Sai inspires messages from the Heart2Heart Team. My day is not complete if for some reason or the other I am not able to access these inspiring messages. The Sunday specials are also eagerly awaited and convey profound messages of Swami. Please continue this good work which is of immense benefit to devotees all over the world.
One special request. Kindly update the Prashanti Bulletin which has not been updated since Swami's 80th birthday. These bulletins which give us a vivid description of Darshans literally transport us to Prashanti Nilayam and give us a feeling of having had HIS darshan in person. Please do not discontinue this service.
Jai Sai Ram,
Aparna Siva.
(Since Aparna’s letter we have been regularly updating Prashanthi Bulletin within 1-2 days of any major event happening in Prashanthi Nilayam – H2H Team.)
If you are not subscribed to Sai Inspires, and would like to, please click here.
Dear Brothers, Om Sai Ram
I would like to thank you very much for the beautiful article on Education. Being a teacher myself, I find that you express very accurately the modern educational crisis and the means to get over it.
May our beloved Swami always inspire you, so that you inspire all. His Divine teachings are indeed the only way out of the present havoc that has afflicted humanity. Jai Sai Ram
George Bebedelis,
SSE Coordinator, Greece.
Dear Editors of H2H,
Sai Ram. Thank you for your invaluable service. Yes, I enjoy the Sunday Specials and look forward to reading them every week. ...I had come across the word "kshama" many times but had not quite understood the meaning until now. So thank you for explaining it so well ...
I am curious: why the need for feedback? Why do you worry if your work is "serving its purpose" or not? Your job is just to scatter these beautiful thought-seeds as far and wide as you can--they will sprout in each reader's mind and heart when the time is right, is it not?
Lots of love,
(Dear Jeroo, we appreciate your comment. Feedback helps us to know all your opinions and thoughts so that we can serve you better. – H2H Team).
- Heart2Heart Team