In this month of November when we celebrate the Birthday of our beloved Bhagawan, let’s recapitulate His Birthday message given exactly four decades ago on the 23rd of November 1966.
In the beginningless and endless stream of time, night and day, summer and winter roll endlessly on, carried ceaselessly through the Universe by the flood. The term of living beings diminishes with each passing day, yet while being carried forward in the flood of time, man remains surprisingly unaware of his fate and rarely spends a thought on his fast declining life-term. He is blind in his ignorance. Riches and wealth are short-lived; office and authority are temporary; the life-breath is a flickering flame in the wind; youth is a three-day fair and pleasures and fortunes are bundles of sorrow. Knowing this, if man devotes this limited term of life to the service of the Lord, then he is indeed blessed.
Seek refuge at the Feet of the Lord even before the life-breath flies out of the cage of the body. It is an open cage! At any moment, the bird may fly into the outer regions. That is the fact. The ignorant do not realize this; they beat their drums and proclaim proudly how rich they are or how happy they are, surrounded by their sons and grandsons.
Alas, the very physical frame which is so carefully nourished since birth falls aside and rots. What then shall we say of those who feel that these other things are “mine?” Theirs is but the delusion of an insane mind. Everything is untrue, everything is impermanent, no more than castles in the air or constructions in dreams. Contemplate on this truth and approach Sri Hari and glorify Him. That alone can confer on you permanent joy. |
Inside the room called Body, in the strongbox called the Heart, the precious gem of jnana exists. However, four wily thieves – namely kama, krodha, lobha and asuya, or lust, anger, greed and envy – are lying in wait to rob it. Awake to the danger before it is too late; reinforce yourself with the support of the Universal Guardian, the Lord and keep the gem intact. That will make you rich in prema, rich in shanti.
When the clouds that hide the face of the moon are wafted by the winds, the moon shines clear and cool. So too, when the clouds of egoism are wafted away, the mind of man will shine pure and full with its own native light. That is the stage of Bliss. When that is attained, there is no more grief. Where there is a lamp, darkness cannot exist. The lamp of jnana once lit never dies, never fades, never flickers. Ananda and shanti also never fade and never flicker. But the ananda and the shanti that men seek from the objects of the world, driven by their senses, flicker fast, then fade and die. They satisfy for a moment only a foolish craze. They are attained through lust, anger, hate and envy, and so they are false and fickle. Control and conquer these; then only can you acquire true ananda and shanti. You cannot only acquire these, you can become these.
What do the wars of mankind teach, except this: that lust, anger, hate and envy are evil forces that haunt man. Examine the anarchy and the lawlessness, the chaos and killings that have arisen in the world today. They are the products of these forces.
Why, even the ills of your bodies and of your homes are but the consequence of these evils. Unaware of the faults and failings in oneself, man imputes faults and foists failings on others and starts blaming and hurting them. This is sin; this gives you a feeling of innocence and exultation for a while but cannot confer anything other than worry, grief and pain….
The Sastras (scriptures) say that envy, greed, lust and anger are all vyadhi karanam [sources of disease]. Those afflicted with these qualifies may consume the most healthy food but it will not bring them health. They will suffer from various digestive and nervous troubles.
Therefore, devotees and those aspiring to be liberated must cut asunder these evil tendencies with the sharp sword of jnana. They must pray to the Lord to save them from contact with these foul characteristics. From this very moment, pray for the grace which will enable you to control and conquer them. Deepen your faith in God. Expand your prema and take into its fold the whole of mankind. There is no alternative path for the bhakta (devotee). |
- Divine Discourse, 23rd Nov 1966
– Heart2Heart Team
