A group of boys are playing on the bank of the river. They are jumping around and catching frogs.
CHORUS: Look, there’s a frog! See, a small frog here! Jump like frogs!! I got one! I got two frogs!!
BOY 1: Hey, don’t touch them; it is not good.
BOY 2: We’ll take all these home.
BOY 3: How shall we take them?
BOY 4: Here’s a basket; put them all in.
Sathya comes along and watches the boys causing pain to the frogs.
SATHYA: Stop, stop! Poor things, let them be free and play happily; don’t imprison them in the basket.
BOY: If they are happy playing, so are we.
SATHYA: If play is what you want, let us all play together. Does anyone play with frogs? See how they are suffering. Let them go. You must not kill living beings.
ANOTHER BOY: We are not killing them but just taking them home.
THIRD BOY: We will play with them. |
SATHYA: Causing pain to dumb animals is a great sin.
BOY: It is not a sin. Frogs can survive anywhere. They will be safer in the basket than in water.
SATHYA: Will you be safe if you are thrown into water? Every species must be in its own habitat. This is the secret of Creation.
BOY: I too will tell you a secret. There are snakes in the water. And do you know what snakes do when they see a frog? They grab them and swallow them!
ANOTHER BOY: But will not the frog then die?
FIRST BOY: It will. And it is to protect the frogs that we are putting them all in the basket and taking them home.
SATHYA: God alone knows whom to protect, whom to save, and whom to punish. We don’t.
BOY: That’s why we are saving them.
SATHYA: You think you are very clever? Release the frogs, or else….
BOY: I will not release them.
SATHYA: Release, or else….
BOY: I will not! |
Sathya waves His hand. The frogs all turn into pigeons and fly away. The boys are astounded.
BOYS: Hey! The frogs have changed into pigeons!!
ONE BOY: Raju, we don’t understand your words but we understand your heart. You are not an ordinary person like us. We made a terrible mistake. Please forgive us!
SATHYA: It is good that you have realised your mistake. No one must ever again do this kind of thing.
BOYS: Yes Raju.
SATHYA: Come, let us go. |
In this manner, Sathya exhibited noble qualities from a very young age and taught virtues to people. He transformed them in many ways. He always corrected those who inflicted pain or spoke harshly.
During the period Sathya was studying in the Bukkapatnam School, His elder brother Seshama Raju got married to one Suseelamma, the daughter of Pasupathi Subbaraju of Kamalapuram. Seshama Raju then went to Kamalpuram. There he stayed with his in-laws. Sathya was sent along with Seshama, so that He could pursue higher studies there under the direct supervision of His elder brother.
Before all this happens, while Seshama is still in Puttaparthi, one day, Seshama is walking along a street in Puttaparthi. At that time, two people seated under a tree are talking to each other.
MAN UNDER TREE: Look, Seshama Raju is coming. I’ll talk to him.
THE OTHER MAN: [to Seshama] Look, sir, is it proper for you to do this?
SESHAMA RAJU: What are you talking about?
FIRST MAN: Great! You talk as though you know nothing! The whole village is talking about your younger brother Raju, and you act as if you don’t know anything. I understand!
SECOND MAN: It appears that Raju does magic and chants strange hymns. He is apparently claiming to have great powers.
FIRST MAN: If this sort of thing continues, we will not keep quiet. We have put up with it so far on account of the prestige of your grandfather and father. Din some sense into your younger brother and ask him to act according to his age. |
SECOND MAN: It seems that he is preaching that cock fighting and other such games are harmful to animals. He is even composing and singing provocative songs to campaign against such sports. Haven’t we been having these sports for ages?
SESHAMA RAJU: Yes sir, I will advise my brother suitably. Please understand that I am not supporting my brother Sathyam, but in childhood, does not one do many things in sheer innocence? You should therefore not be too much disturbed by these things.
FIRST MAN: Matters have gone too far, Seshama Raju. We don’t hate or dislike your brother. Rather, it is out of concern for him that we are reporting to you; he is a son of the Raju family, is he not? Well, it is all up to you now.
SESHAMA RAJU: Don’t worry sir, I shall do the needful. |
SECOND MAN: You had better do something before matters get out of hand!
FIRST MAN: Well said sir!
House of Venkama Raju. Members of the family have gathered and are discussing the complaints against Sathya, being made by various people in the village. Kondama Raju also is present.
VENKAMA RAJU: Sathyam’s behaviour is causing increasing anxiety day by day. He does not speak like young boys ought to, and His behaviour is not what is expected of Him.
EASWARAMMA: Sathyam is young and He does not know the difference between good and bad. But then please, sometimes, there is profound meaning in the words of children. And we may not always understand them, isn’t that so?
VENKAMA RAJU: What you say is certainly true, Easwari but as I said earlier, His behaviour is not in conformity with what is expected. He seems to think that there is some Power in Him, but will others accept that? Many are even ridiculing Him. |
KONDAMA RAJU: Sathyam, it seems there are many complaints against You!
SESHAMA RAJU: Yes mother. The other day He made all the pupils in the Puttaparthi School go on strike. Is this what children of His age do? And when the Telugu master in the Bukkapatnam School asked why He had not written the notes, He gave a peculiar answer. The Teacher let Him off lightly but Sathyam got the Teacher stuck to the chair. When asked why He had done so, He replied that He had done it for fun, and not as an insult to the Teacher. Now, He has created another problem. For generations the people in the village have been having cock fighting and horse racing; but He has attacked these traditional sports and incited people to sing songs against these past-times. The elders of the village are agitated and are asking if this is the sort of thing a young kid ought to do.
SATHYA: Grandfather! I did not do anything wrong. Medicine may be bitter but when taken it does good, does it not? Good advice is like medicine; why don’t people understand that? |
KONDAMA RAJU: Well said my dear grandson! That’s the way to teach lessons to people!!
SESHAMA RAJU: [to Kondama] You alone are impressed by the words of your grandson; others are not. No one understands what He says and even if they do, they will not accept. In this Kali Age, how many people will listen to good advice? And, is He of the right age to talk about such matters as good and bad, Morality and Justice, Dharma and Divinity?
KONDAMA RAJU: [to Sathya] Answer him!
SATHYA: Good and bad, Morality and Justice, Dharma and Divinity, have nothing to do with age!
SESHAMA RAJU: Mother! Do you see how He answers back with scant respect for my seniority in age? |
EASWARAMMA: [to Seshama] He is not arguing with you but, out of affection for you, telling you what you should know! Look Seshama, why don’t you think of a solution that would prevent Sathyam, from coming to harm?
VENKAMA RAJU: There is only one way – let us send Sathyam to Kamalapuram.
SESHAMA RAJU: Yes father, I too wanted to make the same suggestion.
EASWARAMMA: Kamalapuram?
VENKAMA RAJU: Yes, Kamalapuram has a High School suitable for higher studies, once one completes studies in the Bukkapatnam School. Seshama is already there, undergoing Teacher’s training, and staying with his in-laws. Sathyam can stay along with Seshama and study there.
KONDAMA RAJU: Well Sathyam, will you go to Kamalapuram? |
SATHYA: Grandpa, who are we to decide what should be done and what should not be? God alone decides! As for Me, all places are the same to Me.
VENKAMA RAJU: That looks like a good solution. You will get good education there, that will prepare You well for a Government job. What do you say, Easwari?
EAAWARAMMA: There are still three months more for Vijayadasami [the admission time]. We’ll think about it when the time comes. But then, father-in-law has to agree, has he not?
KONDAMA.RAJU: What can I say my dear? I am an old man, and it is all the same to me. Just that I am very much attached to the young one. Seshama, Venkama! You both want Him to go to Kamalapuram so that His behaviour changes, so that He can study better, so that no harm befalls Him, and so that He eventually becomes a great man, is that not? Well then, send Him there! Even He has agreed!! It is not in Sathya’s nature to offend or hurt anyone.
(To be continued)
- Heart2Heart Team