“Daivam Manusha Roopena”: A Drama by Higher Secondary School Students on 29 March, 2007
The students of Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, Prasanthi Nilayam had the good fortune of performing a play, Daivam Manusha Roopena in the Divine Presence of Bhagavan Baba in Sai Kulwant Hall on March 29, 2007. The play depicted the glory and message of Sri Sainath of Shirdi. Divinity descends on earth and takes a human garb so that mankind can feel and experience the compassion and sweetness of God. Focussing on a few selected incidents, the sixty minute play brought out the divine facets of Shirdi Sainath. These incidents, apart from establishing the divinity of Sai, also remarkably conveyed His sterling qualities of compassion, mercy and pure love.
While introducing the play the narrator mentions how Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba proclaimed on May 23, 1940 that He was Sai Baba of Shirdi come again to shower grace and compassion on His devotees. The two Avatars are, in fact, one and the same, he asserts.
The first scene unfolds the humility and Divinity of Sainath. Nanavalli, mistaken by the people of Shirdi to be a bully, comes to test Sai Baba’s Divine virtues. He enters Dwaraka Mai (Sainath’s dwelling place) and expresses a desire to sit on the throne on which Sainath is seated. Sainath willingly vacates the throne and occupies an ordinary seat. Sainath, then, reveals His omnipresence by answering the questions posed by Nanavalli. Completely transformed, Nanavalli now prostrates at the feet of Sai Baba and seeks His forgiveness for testing Him. When he finally leaves the place, Sainath reveals the true nature of Nanavalli and says, “Many think that Nanavalli is a madman, but he is not; he is a great Avadhoota!”
Nanvali mounts the throne of material world while
Baba adorns his heart |
Saintliness garbed in deceptive egoism |
The second scene depicts the compassion of Sainath of Shirdi. It shows how the despised and the downtrodden came to Baba and found succour at His feet.
Everybody came to Baba |
“Thee alone the succour and solace to all” |
Smitten by leprosy, Bhagoji Shinde finds that he is unwanted in his own home. He overhears the conversation of the members of his family expressing their disgust for him. He is wounded deeply in the heart and now prays to God for help. The kind-hearted Sainath of Shirdi not only listens to his prayers, brings him to Shirdi and cures his humiliating malady, but also keeps him at His Lotus Feet till the end of his life
Disease connives to distance shinde from society |
When world walks out God walks in |
The third scene portrays how the compassionate Sai draws people to His Lotus Feet. Ganesh Nath Dattatreya Sahasra Buddhe was a police constable who nourished a deep desire to carve out a distinguished career in the police department. When he goes to Shirdi, in the company of the district magistrate and Chandorkar, to visit Sainath, the Lord advises him not to join the department. But swayed by his worldly ambition, he disobeys the Divine Master. And on his job takes up the task of spying on the dreaded dacoit Bil Kanhai.
Buddhe blinded by ambition ignores divine command
and agrees to spy |
But when discovered by the dreadful dacoits…
Submits himself in prayer |
But, tragically, Bil Kanhai traps him and decides to kill him. At this point, the intense prayers of Dattatreya Sahasra Buddhe effect a change in the mind of the bandit. He spares his life with a stern warning that he will kill him if he finds him spying again. Dattatreya Sahasra Buddhe, overwhelmed by the compassion of Sainath, comes to Shirdi quitting the job in the Police department. The merciful Sai forgives him and christens him as ‘Das Ganu’ who goes on to become a famous Kirtankar, a poet and a singer who spreads the glory of Sainath far beyond the precincts of the village of Shirdi.
“Thy name alone is the light that leads my life"…
Buddhe turns into Das Ganu-the Kirtankar |
The last scene, in a moving sequence, depicts the infinite love of Sai which prompted Him to make ‘out of the body’ journeys to save His devotees. The scene portrays how the people of all religions felt deep seated love for Sainath who was the embodiment of infinite compassion and universal love. The play ends with a colourful dance celebrating the glory of Sainath.
"For god so loved the world that he gave his body, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” |
Bhagavan, immensely pleased with the play, blessed the students posing for a group photograph. That was enough benediction for the boys who had staged the play amidst annual exams for their Lord with sincere love.
Swami and His students |
Swami blesses 'Shirdi Baba' with a chain |
Swami also materialised a chain for Sukesh Aman, a XI class student of Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, who enacted the role of Shirdi Sai. Everyone present could see Bhagavan visibly moved as the play went on, perhaps remembering His previous incarnation which, just as now, was one of infinite mercy and sacrifice.
“Lord and god we believe in thee and we pray to thee” |
Malayalam New Year ‘Vishu’ Celebrations: April 13, 2006
Vishu is a festival held in the state of Kerala (and adjoining areas of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) around the first day in the Malayalam month of Medam (April – May). This occasion signifies the Sun's transit to the zodiac Mesha (Aires) as per Indian astrological calculations. Vishu is also considered as the Malayalam New Year day and thus this day occupies a special place of significance to all Malayalees (people of Kerala origin) regardless of their religion or sect. In addition to thousands of devotees, about 1,300 school students, 400 parents and 200 Bal Vikas Gurus too had come from the state of Kerala, to spend their New Year day with Bhagavan.
The celebrations this year at Prasanthi Nilayam commenced on the afternoon of April 13 with traditional Nadaswaram and Panchavadyam. These classical instruments resoundingly announced the beginning of the holy event. Amidst the veda chanting Bhagavan entered Sai Kulwant Hall at 3.05 PM to bless His devotees.
Swami moved among his devotees |
Their faces said it all - "O Lord my dear god we bow to thee” |
After reaching the stage, Swami, in all His Infinite Mercy and Compassion, went among the children and devotees. To some He talked, to some it was a raised hand of assurance, to some it was a glance of acknowledgement, for some it was a smile of His omniscience and for all it was endless joy and infinite love. Amidst those innocent faces of children He spotted a ‘chosen one’, called him and from the thin air came a gold chain as His sign of blessing and love to this fortunate child.
Swami blessed a boy with a golden chain |
The programme in the afternoon began with instrumental fusion by Sri Kuzhalmandom Ramakrishnan and party from Kerala. The notes from mridangam, edaykka, chenda, ganchira, violin, and flute all merged into beautiful rhythms and tunes like Vathapi ganapathim..., Entharo mahanubhavulu..., Anandasagara..., Samajavaragamana... and enthralled one and all. Devotional music by Sri Kavalam Sreekumar which included Malayalam compositions in praise of Bhagavan Baba and some traditional hymns of Kerala followed this programme in a befitting manner.
Evening was filled with melodious musical offerings
by the devotees from Kerala |
Then the Bal Vikas children of Kerala in all their simplicity and innocence offered to their Lord melodious Bhajans that filled the ambience with a special vibrancy. As Bhajans were in progress Bhagavan came near the front rows and graciously distributed Vasthram (clothes) to all singers and members of the Bal Vikas Bhajan group. Their beaming faces, wide open eyes and infectious smiles conveyed all. They were being blessed by God on their New Year day! Bhagavan then called master Hari, the boy who played harmonium for the Bal Vikas bhajans and materialized a chain for him. It felt to everyone that Swami amply rewarded his talent and hard work that conquered his handicap in vision.
"My eye is blind to the world but open to Thy love my God" |
After the Bhajan, Swami asked Sri Kavalam Sreekumar to continue, who immediately came out with a Meera Bhajan and a traditional hymn. After this, the students of the Sri Sathya Sai University presented Sai Bhajans and devotional music. The programme came to a conclusion with Mangala Arathi.
Malayalam New Year ' Vishu' Morning – April 15, 2006
Decorated mandir heralded the advent of new year in the divine presence |
Early in the morning of 15th, Sai Kulwant Hall appeared aesthetically decorated for the occasion with kuruthola (tender coconut leaves) and fresh flowers. A traditional vishukkani (a floral design) was arranged before Bhagavan's throne - consisting of the sacred lamp, nirapara (rice), konna flowers, clothes, grains of the harvest, fruits, etc.
Morning session commenced by the vedic hymns recited by Balavikas children of kerala |
The auspicious tones of Nadaswaram lent a holy ambience, after which Panchavadyam (traditional band) began, creating an atmosphere similar to that of the temples of Kerala. Bhagavan, in all His Grace and Mercy, arrived at Sai Kulwant Hall at 8 am amidst Veda chanting.
Bhagavan occupied His throne and the proceedings of the morning commenced. The Bal Vikas children of Kerala offered a song specially composed for the occasion. It had stanzas in Malayalam, Telugu and Hindi and ended with the chorus with all children singing, "O Lord, kindly come to us; grant us Thy Holy Feet."
Bhagavan then graciously permitted two Bal Vikas children to speak in the Divine Presence.
The first speaker was Master Pratyush. He began with his impressions and experiences regarding the divine abode of Prasanthi Nilayam. He said that we are all fortunate to be the Avatar's contemporaries and to have Him as our Father, Mother, Guru, Guide and Friend. He reminded us that Vishu is the day to forsake all selfishness and to strive to keep our thoughts, words and deeds pure. He concluded his speech by saying, "There is only one Name – Sai. There is only one God – Sai. There is only one goal – Sai."
The second speaker was Master Vishal who began with the verse "Twameva Matacha..." He said that it is a rare privilege to be a Bal Vikas student, being part of Swami's vision of 'Lokavikas (welfare of the world) through Bal Vikas'. This is possible only by putting into practice Swami's teachings; only from Swami can we derive inspiration in this regard. He narrated an incident where Bhagavan enquired of the teachers of the Sai School as to what subjects they were teaching - the Lord finally declared, "My subject is discipline; make that the most important topic." He concluded by reminding all Bal Vikas children to utilize the best this glorious opportunity to blossom into beautiful flowers in the garden of Sai.
Master Pratyush and Master Vishal spoke in Divine presence |
Next Sri T. S. Radhakrishnan presented some melodious musical offerings. After a Ganesha prayer, he sang the couplet "Kani Kanunneram..." signifying the arrival of Vishu. A song describing the beautiful form of Krishna followed. The next song described the infinite compassion of Bhagavan Baba. He concluded his performance with the song "Hey Shamasundara..." which all devotees enthusiastically followed. Bhajans by the Kerala devotees followed this musical concert and the programme came to a happy conclusion with Mangala Arathi to Bhagavan at 9.40 am.
Vishu Evening – April 15, 2006
The evening programme commenced as Swami came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 3.25 pm. The Bala Vikas children of Kerala presented a dance drama entitled "Sathyameva Jayathe". It was based on the life of King Harischandra, whose names in Sanskrit connotes "the one of golden splendour".
Harishchandra had two unique qualities. The first being that he kept his word and never went back on what he uttered as a promise; and the second was that he never uttered a lie in his life. Sage Vishwamithra decided to test Harischandra's adherence to truth. Thus the king, his wife and son were made to sustain tremendous hardships.
Harishchandra, with no money in his hands, had to sell his wife and son to a Brahmin Grihastha (householder) to pay for the Dakshina (offering to the spiritual preceptor).
When the money collected still did not suffice for the purpose, he sold himself to a guard at the cremation ground, who was in charge of collecting taxes for the bodies to be cremated. The king helped the guard cremate the dead bodies, while his wife and son were used as household helpers at the house of the brahmin.
Once, the son had been to the garden to pluck flowers for his master's prayer, when he was bitten by a snake and he died instantly. His mother, having nobody to sympathise for her, carried his body to the cremation grounds. |
From the throne of regality to the abyss of poverty….
yet resolute to be truthful |
In acute penury, she could not even pay the taxes needed to cremate him. Harishchandra hearing her wails came to her and recognised her as his wife and was stung by pangs of agony. But, Harishchandra was duty bound by his job to perform the cremation only after the acceptance of the tax. So she was sent to the town to get the required amount. There she was caught by Royal guards for stealing the money and the king ordered her execution. It was Harishchandra’s duty to execute her. As he drew out the sword to behead her, Lord Vishnu, Indra, all the Gods and sage Vishwamitra manifested themselves on the scene, and praised Harishchandra for his perseverance and steadfastness and granted back all that he had lost hitherto.
Duty bound king does budge to cremate his own son without a fee… And gods appear to praise the man |
This inspiring story depicting the glory and supremacy of truth was aesthetically presented through a beautifully orchestrated and professionally choreographed dance. The powerful poetical dialogues, soul-stirring music and fine costumes elevated this depiction to admirable heights.
An exquisite performance of synchronisation and professionalism |
Bhagavan graciously materialized a gold chain for the little girl who played the role of Harischandra's son. Then Bhagavan called all the children to Him and in all His Love and Compassion, posed for photographs with them. Swami appeared visibly very touched by the entire presentation.
Swami blesses the actors profusely |
Later in the bhajan hall Swami narrated the entire life story of the King Harishchandra to His students and said, “Boys realize this - Truth alone is victorious (Satyameva Jayate), not merely victorious but it is triumphant (Satyameva Vijayate). This land of Bharat that propagated this ideal is the teacher to the whole world. In fact, not a teacher alone but a headmaster.” The evening programme concluded with Mangala Arathi at 5.35 PM.
Tamil New Year Day: 14 April, 2006
Hundreds from Tamil Nadu have gathered in the presence of their master to celebrate New Year |
Tamil New Year Day was celebrated with suitable gaiety in the divine presence. All the assembled hearts were thrilled when Swami’s arrived at 8 am this morning. Hundreds of devotees from Tamil Nadu that had gathered at the lotus Feet were filled with delight as Swami came on to the stage. The programme for the morning session commenced with the divine assent to the Convener of the Tamil Nadu Trust (who is the Chairman of Sundaram Finance), to introduce the proceedings. On behalf of the people of his state, Shri Raman expressed his deepest sense of gratitude for His benevolence and the compassion that quenched the thirst of Chennai residents through the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water project for Chennai. He expressed the firm resolve of his people to carry out the directives prescribed by Swami in His Ugadi discourse for rural upliftment.
Swami blesses Dr.S.P. Thyagarajan |
Sri Balachandar seeks Divine blessings |
Three speakers then followed him, Dr. S.P.Thyagarajan being the first. He is an eminent educationalist, former vice-chancellor of Madras University, and a medical micro biologist with 325 research papers to his credit out of which 4 have attained patents. One of his discoveries was a special drug for Hepatitis-B. He eloquently quoted passages from Swami’s various discourses and opined, “As one of the senior educationist of this country, I was agonizing as to how the youth of India can be brought to realize the heights of Swami’s students and teachers as present in Prasanthi Nilayam. After having seen, heard and experienced the ambience that is prevailing in the Sathya Sai Institutions, I believe the same should prevail all over the nation. This can be brought about only by Swami. On this eve of New Year, I pray that Swami would make another land mark resolution to remould the students and teachers of this country. This will fill our mother land with all round prosperity.”
The next speaker for the session was Sri K. Balachandar, an eminent director in the Indian film industry. He is considered as a father figure for bringing human values from the world of reality into the realm of films. He was conferred ‘Padma Shri’ for yeomen service to the movie world. He said, “How I became a devotee is a short story. It was in 1986, and I had just completed the film Sindhu Bhairavi. There were many anxious moments that I had gone through. Seeing my condition my son-in-law got a framed picture of Sai Baba and hung it on the wall of my office room and told me that Bhagavan would take care of the film. I never took it seriously. The film came out in flying colours and I felt Bhagavan’s presence many a times during my work. I was initially skeptical about the completion of the Chennai water project but the subsequent events proved me absolutely wrong. Bhagavan is not an individual, He is an institution by Himself. He is a phenomenon. He is the ultimate.”

Justice V. Ramasubramanyam seeks divine benediction
The third speaker was Justice V. Ramasubramanyam. He is a lawyer by profession, now elevated to the Bench. As of today he holds the rare privilege of being the youngest High Court judge and was a balavikas student for nine years. He said, “That I am a judge today is of little significance but it is significant to be in His divine protective care since childhood. Parents today want their sons to be good doctors, good engineers, for, this will enable them to earn a lot of money. Alas, when these same parents end up in old age homes they realize that they converted their sons into mere ATMs but not good individuals. Swami wants us first to be good citizens - then we can be good lawyers, engineers and doctors. In this direction He has established educational institutions and the impact of this contribution to humanity is immeasurable.”
This was followed by Bhagavan’s Divine discourse. In a short but moving discourse, Bhagavan conferred unexpected blessings on the people of Tamil Nadu when He said:
Embodiments of Love! As mentioned by the speakers just now, I provided water to Chennai both for drinking as well as for cultivation purposes. But the repair work of the canal was done up to the border of Andhra Pradesh, without any problem. It was done in such nice way that not even a drop of water is allowed to be wasted. However, the part of the canal on the Tamil Nadu side was not repaired. This work was required to be done by the Government of Tamil Nadu, but somehow they did not do it. Up to the border of Tamil Nadu, the water of the River Krishna reached very smoothly without any wastage.
“Swami will complete the entire project…
You need not depend on anyone” |
But as the water entered the Tamil Nadu border, there was some wastage. The cost of repairing the remaining part of the canal amounts to 30-40 crores. Since the Tamil Nadu Government did not provide necessary funds, this work could not be done. But the people are worried as the work has not been completed. The length of the canal to be repaired towards Chennai is about 25 kms.
Since Swami has already done the repair work of the other part of the canal without wasting a single drop of water, He alone can take the responsibility of completing this task. As per the request of Karunanidhi, I will undertake to do this work (loud applause). There is no need for you to depend upon anybody else. It is enough if you pray to God. Very soon, I will complete this work so that water reaches the people of Chennai in full measure.
Within the next day or two I will send the engineers there. As there are breaches on the other side of the canal, a lot of water is wasted. After the repair work is done, adequate water will reach Sathyamurthy Sagar. Thus, Sathyamurthy Sagar will be filled with Sathya Sai Water (loud prolonged applause). I will do this work. This will ensure permanent supply of water to Chennai.
Sai can do this work, which nobody else is able to do. The remaining part of the canal will be nicely repaired with cement lining. You have seen for yourself how much water is being wasted now. Water is not anybody’s property; it is God’s property. People are fighting with each other for water, which in reality is the property of God.
But they have no right to fight. Water is God’s gift to man. Everybody has equal right over it. Hence, God alone can complete this task. The name of this year is Sarvajit. What is the meaning of Sarvajit? It means victory in all fields, viz., business, agriculture, education, etc. Hence, we will also be victorious in our work. I will complete this work so that you have no inconvenience henceforth. I am prepared to spend any amount of money. The five elements are the gift of God; water is one of them. It is in the hand of God. You need not approach anyone else. You may inform Karunanidhi also that I will surely do this work. Convey this good news to the people of Chennai also in this auspicious Sarvajit year. May you all lead a happy life! Constantly contemplate on God. It is total protection. How can people have any problem when they have this sacred protection? Why fear when I am here? (loud applause) In this Sarvajit year, I will give water for Sathyamurthy Sagar. Therefore, you should have no worry. Have faith that God will not only provide food and water to you, but He will look after you in all respects.
Today is the sacred New Year day. It is an important day, both for the people of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The people of Kerala and Tamil Nadu are recipients of My grace in full measure (loud prolonged applause). Hereafter you will have no obstacles.
Enjoy good health by drinking this sweet water and lead a blissful and happy life without any problems. For a long time small children have been suffering from many ailments by drinking polluted water.
All of you who have come here should go back happy. You will have no dearth of anything in life. I have great love for Chennai. Where is Chennai? Where is Puttaparthi? Did anyone come here and pray to Me? No. Sai Himself has come to you and provided water. My love for Chennai cannot be described in words. May you all enjoy a good health by eating good food and drinking pure water.”
“I bless you all with happiness and success” |
After this elevating discourse, the hall was filled with melodious bhajans sung by the devotees from Tamil Nadu. The session for the morning ended with prasadam distribution and Mangala Aarathi at 10 a.m.
In the afternoon, Swami arrived in the hall at 3.30 p.m. The evening was scheduled with a drama by the Balavikas children of Tamil Nadu. The drama portrayed the theme of five maha yajnas (sacrifices) that an individual has to perform in his lifetime.
These yajnas include deva yajna - worship to the Lord. This theme was brought out through the story of Prahalada. Hiranyakashyapu was a demonic king who strived to establish his supremacy through his knowledge. But his son Prahalda considered Lord Narayana as the supreme. Enraged with his son’s behaviour Hiranyakashyapu questions the very existence of Narayana and in an attempt to disprove his son’s belief breaks a pillar. Maha Vishnu emerges from the pillar in a grotesque form of half human and half lion, named as Narasimha. The Lord tears apart the villainous Hiranyakashyapu and blesses Pahalada profusely.
The formless materialises as ferocious Narasimha and saves his devotee |
Pitru yajna - service to our parents was conveyed through the story of Shravana Kumar. He carried his parents on his shoulders to all the pilgrim centres of India. Thus, he served his parents with diligence and unmatched devotion. Once, on the request of his parents he goes into the wilderness for water to quench their thirst. As he fills the bowl, the gurgling sound of the river water misleads King Dasharata to believe that a tiger was drinking the water. He shoots an arrow which kills Shravana Kumara. On learning this news from Dasharata, life ebbs away from the old parents too.
Shravana Kumar serves his parents with devotion and diligence |
Mistaken Dasharatha was crest fallen for the mishap |
Athithi yajna - service to the guest was expressed through an inspiring incident in the life of Sri Adi Shankara. When Shankara was requesting for alms, a poor lady adhering to the dictum of ‘Guest if God’ offers the only gooseberry she has. Touched by her devotion Shankaracharya prays to Mother Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. In response, the goddess showers golden coins on the poor lady.
”Poverty at my home can never steal wealth of my heart” |
Bhoota yajna - service to the living creatures was beautifully communicated through the sacrifice of King Shibi. Gods, wanting to test the compassionate nature of King Shibi, take the form of a hawk and a pigeon. The pigeon chased by the hawk falls on King Shibi's lap seeking his protection. The hawk argues that the pigeon is its food, but Shibi offers to compensate with his own flesh. Finally he offers himself to be eaten, it is at this point that the Gods show him their true form and bless him.
Shibhi offers his own flesh as a substitute to the dove |
Rishi yajna includes activities devoted to the study of scriptures. This was well depicted through the story of poetess Avvaiyar. Her father coerces her to marry the king of the region, who was interested in her. In despair, she turns to her Lord Ganesha and requests him to remove this beauty that had become such a burden and a distraction for her spiritual life. The god responds by aging her into a crone overnight.
Avvaiyar prays to Ganesha and the lord turns her old |
Her subsequent wanderings were a source of great education and inspiration for her, and she had developed a social consciousness in her poetry long before such things were understood. She saw the lives of simple people and their suffering at close quarters and did not see any reason why it must be so. Her love for the common man and their simple affection and respect, her disdain for the pretensions of the rich and miserly, her indignation at the injustice of the caste system are so simple and direct that they have not lost a whit of their relevance even today. These independent incidents were well portrayed through a conversation between sage Narada and a Gandharva (angel).
The entire play was strung together by the conversation between Narada and Gandharva |
Swami posed with all the actors for a photograph then lovingly called all the actors and gave away watches. Their outstretched hands, their credulous contours expressing immense joy at the unexpected outpour of divine love were a fulfilling experience to the onlookers.
The precious group photograph |
At the conclusion of the performance Swami blessed the actors with a photo session. Their innocent jubilation and emotional sobs spoke of the unique feeling that the children’s hearts experienced in the presence of the divine. The evening session came to an end with Mangala Aarati.
Swami Leaves For Kodai Kanal - April 26, 2007

Swami emplaned for Kodaikanal |
The month of April, this year in Prasanthi Nilayam, was special. Departing from the usual practice of leaving for 'Brindavan' (the Ashram in Bangalore) or Kodai Kanal by late March or early April, Swami this year stayed on for more than three weeks in Prasanthi Nilayam even though mercury had gone above 35 degree celsius. On the 26th, Swami boarded an Indian Airbus A320 along with a small group of students and few elders for this year Kodai Kanal trip. We will bring you stories of what happened in Kodai Kanal in our next issue.
On the whole, it has been an inspiring month: as devotees celebrated two regional New Year days we were able to witness Bhagavan reassuring us again that this year, Sarvajit, would indeed be extremely auspicious, especially for truthful and holy undertakings. It was only last month on 20 March that Bhagavan stated the glorious qualities of the coming year. And to thrill us all the more, and particularly those from Chennai, our Lord has graciously declared to take up whatever more is required to provide uninterrupted supply of water to Chennai free of cost. It is really a time to rejoice and be glad that we are in His care. With Sai everything is possible. We have even been able to see the fulfilment of Bhagavan’s statement on Ugadi when He promised sufficient rainfall in the form of thunderstorms in the local region.
So, till next month when we bring you more uplifting news and pictorial views from Kodaikanal and Prasanthi Nilayam, keep smiling and remembering Him at all times. Jai Sai Ram!
- Heart2Heart Team. |