the story of 'love'
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Once, there was a beautiful paradise-like island where our Feelings and Qualities lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge - all the array of human emotions, including Love. One day, it was announced to the Feelings that due to the weight of Selfishness the island would soon sink, and everyone should prepare their boats and leave as soon as possible.
All the Feelings made ready to leave without delay – except for Love who had grown so fond of the island she wanted to stay until the last possible moment.
However, after some time of visiting all her friends and favourite places, she realized that the island was fast disappearing and she needed to ask for help from the other departing Feelings to escape.
She spotted Riches leaving in a large luxurious yacht. Love called out in all affection, "Riches, can you take me with you?" Riches replied in a cold and huffy voice, "No, I can't. There is so much gold and silver on board that there is no place for you."
Close behind Riches, came Vanity who was departing the island in a most elegant vessel. “Vanity, please help me! I need to get off the island" Love said in all sweetness. "I can't help you Love. You will get wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered, rather haughtily.
Love then spotted Envy, who seemed inseparable to the duo of Riches and Vanity. Envy’s boat was a rather poor attempt at emulating the other two, but Love did not care – she only wanted to escape the sinking island. On hearing Love’s humble request Envy retorted, “No way. If you come on board who will notice me as people are always thinking about you. The world will be better off without you."

Love then spied Sadness who was coming close behind Envy, so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you." But Sadness excused himself saying rather drearily, "No - go away. I am so sad that I need to be all by myself for a while!"
By this time, Love was growing a little anxious, as the waters were lapping at her feet. But she picked up on hearing the sound of laughter and merriment and saw Happiness coming in a joyful flotilla of small boats. “Hey Happiness! Happiness, hello!” But as much as she tried to get Happiness’ attention it was to no avail – Happiness was too wrapped up in her own pleasure to notice Love’s calls!
She wondered what would happen to her? Would she be lost forever as the island went down under the weight of Selfishness? And as she watched the other Feelings disappearing out of view she felt a well of compassion for them – they had rejected her and would never know the gift of her presence. |
Suddenly, she heard a kindly voice, "Come here, Love. I will take you." The owner of the voice was a wise looking elder and true to his word he took her to dry land, all the while keeping a rather reserved silence. His identity remained a mystery as Love felt so overjoyed she forgot to ask his name. And though the journey was over a vast distance, it seemed to go by in a twinkle of an eye. Then the elder went on his own way, giving Love a parting smile of affection.
Later, Love realized how much she owed the esteemed old gentleman and sought out the help of Knowledge. She asked him who had come to her aid.
“It was Time," venerable Knowledge answered. "Time?" wondered Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because, only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."

Adapted from: Inspirational Quotes, May 2007
Illustrations: Sai Krishna, SSSU
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