Mana Mohana Nandalal and Jaya Ram Hare
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Title: Mana Mohana Nandalal
Raga: Sankarabharanam (Carnatic); Bilaval (Hindustani)
1. Mana Mohana Nandalal
Oh the entrancing Lord Krishna, the Son of King Nanda
2. Mana Mohana Madhusudhana Brindavana Nandalal
Oh Lord, the slayer of the demon Madhu, who played in the bower of Brindavan, You steal our minds!
3. Man Mohana Nandalal
Oh Lord, the son of King Nanda, You capture our minds.
4. Brindavana Nandalal
Oh Lord, the darling of Nanda, who spent His playful and precious childhood in Brindavan
5. Mana Mohana Madhusudhana Brindavana Nandalal
Oh Lord, the slayer of the demon Madhu, who played in the bower of Brindavan, You enrapture our minds!
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Title: Jaya Ram Hare
Raga: Keervani (Carnatic and Hindustani)
1. Jaya Ram Hare Jaya Ram Hare Jaya Sita Rama Hare
Hail the Lord Rama and Mother Sita!
2. Jaya Krishna Hare Jaya Krishna Hare Jaya Radha Krishna Hare
Victory to Lord Krishna and His dearest devotee Radha!
3. Jaya Sai Hare Jaya Sai Hare, Jaya Sai Baba Hare
Hail the Lord! Victory to Sai Baba!
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- Heart2Heart Team