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Title: Sai Hamara Hum Sai Key Aisa Prema Hamara
Raga: Sindhu Bhairavi (Carnatic)
1. Sai Hamara Hum Sai Key Aisa Prema Hamara
Beloved Lord Sai is ours and We are Sai’s! This is the sweet bond of love between us!
Sai Ram Hamara Sai Ram Hamara
Lord Sai is ours, our Sai, who is none other than Lord Rama who has come again, is ours.
Sathya Sai Hai Nama Thumhara Shirdi Sai Avathara
Oh Lord Sai! You are the same Supreme One who had incarnated earlier as Shirdi Sai.
4. Sai Ram Hamara Sai Ram Hamara
Lord Sai is ours, our Sai, who is none other than Lord Rama who has come again, is ours.
5. Hindu Muslim Sikh Esai Sabka Palan Hara
Oh Lord Sai! You are the One who cares for the followers of all the faiths. Be it a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian or a Sikh, You are kind to all, You love them all.
6. Sai Ram Hamara Sai Ram Hamara
Lord Sai is ours, our Sai, who is none other than Lord Rama who has come again, is ours.