Shirdi Calendar
The Shirdi Sai Avatar is extra-ordinary
and also enigmatic in many respects. Though this incarnation
belongs to recent history, myth and mystery continue
to surround the story of this Avatar. However, thanks
to the enlightenment provided at various times by Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, one is now in a position to place
many of the unknown aspects of the Shirdi Avatar in
a proper perspective.
This calendar offers a summary of the life and philosophy
of Shirdi Baba through a series of specially commissioned
paintings. The summary is wrapped up with sketches of
Shirdi landmarks, as they appeared at various points
of time.
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has declared that the
Shirdi Avatar was the first of a trilogy of Sai Avatars.
The second of course is the current Sathya Sai Avatar,
and the last would be the Prema Sai Avatar. Of the three,
the Shirdi Avatar is the Prologue and the Prema Sai
Avatar is the Epilogue to the Sri Sathya Sai Poorna
Avatar. It has further been revealed that Shirdi Sai
was an aspect of Shiva, Sathya Sai an aspect of both
Shiva and Shakthi, while the yet-to-come Prema Sai would
be an aspect of Shakti alone.
Bhagavan Baba has
revealed that Shirdi Baba was born
in early nineteenth century to a pious
Brahmin couple in the village of Pathri
in the erstwhile Nizam State. The
Divine child was born following a
boon granted by Lord Shiva and Parvathi
to the mother, in appreciation of
her deep devotion to God. Shortly
before Baba took birth, the father
left home for the forest to lead the
life of a recluse. The lady followed
her husband but could not keep pace,
due to the advanced state of her pregnancy.
Finally, she had to halt in order
to deliver the baby. Once the baby
was born, she reluctantly placed it
under a tree and went in search of
her husband. Soon there came near
that tree a Muslim couple who picked
up the child and brought it up. In
1842, the adopted father died and
the adopted mother handed over charge
of the young boy to one Gopal Rao,
a rural chieftain. Gopal Rao is said
to have placed Baba for some time
under the care of a Guru known as
Venkusa. Later Gopal Rao passed away,
and Baba was now on His own. He wandered
for some time and eventually made
Shirdi His home.
JANUARY 2003 |
It is said that Baba
came to Shirdi when He was about sixteen
years of age. He wore a Kafni, the
dress of a Muslim Fakir. He had no
home of His own, and spent most of
His time under a Neem tree that has
since become a pilgrim spot known
as Gurusthan. No one knew who this
young man was, where He came from,
and where He got His food. But this
much every one knew: This mysterious
young man definitely had a Divine
Aura about Him, and was always most
compassionate. Indeed, throughout
His life, Baba's devotees knew very
little about His early history. In
the Sai Sat Charita, for example,
one finds the remark: "Nobody
knew the parents, details of the birth
or the birth-place of Sai Baba. Many
enquiries were made, many questions
were put to Baba and others regarding
these items, but no satisfactory answer
or information has yet been obtained.
Practically, we know nothing about
these matters." Indeed, but for
the enlightenment provided by Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, this mystery
would never have been cleared. Divinity
often shrouds itself in mystery, and
the mystery is removed only when the
time and the circumstances are appropriate.
There lived in the
village of Dhoop in Aurangabad District
of Nizam State, a Muslim named Chand
Patil. He was an officer of the Nizam
State. Once while making a trip to
Aurangabad, Chand Patil lost his mare
that he loved very much. He searched
for the mare for two long months,
but could not find it. When returning
from the fruitless search, Patil found
a stranger under a tree, preparing
to smoke a Chilim or native pipe.
On seeing Patil go that way, this
stranger accosted the tired merchant,
invited him to share a smoke, and
rest for a while. A conversation began
and Chand Patil told the stranger
who was none other than Baba, about
the loss of his favourite mare. Baba
asked Patil to look in a ravine nearby.
Patil did so, and lo and behold, there
was his lost mare! Amazed, Patil returned
to Baba. Meanwhile, Baba wanted fire
to light the Chilim and some water
to wet the pipe, both of which Baba
produced most casually with a miracle.
Patil now believed that Baba was a
saint and persuaded Him to go with
him to Dhoop. Some years later, Patil
came back Shirdi to celebrate a marriage
in his family, and Baba returned with
Patil. Thereafter Baba never left
MARCH 2003 |