if God is present in all beings, why then are there
differences? |
The Vedas declare that
God is One. There is no question of there being
a second. Your doubt is, if there is only One
who is present everywhere, why then are there
so many differences amongst beings? A small example
will explain the point. The current that flows
through various bulbs is the same, but the light
outputs vary so much, don't they? Some are bright
while others are dim. Why? That is because the
wattage of these bulbs is different. God the In-dweller
is like the current. He is the same in all beings.
People are like bulbs; they differ in their Gunas
[intrinsic tendencies], and hence the differences.
if we are to progress further on the spiritual path,
how much of Spiritual Knowledge must we have? |
Not much, really. Many people
are always reading books on Spirituality. They
will be either listening to discourses or be giving
discourses themselves. But what is the use of
all this? Such people do not seem to change at
all, and spiritually speaking, remain where they
are. They do not put into practice what they hear
or learn. In truth, there is no need at all to
read many books or hear many discourses. Progress
can be achieved by sincerely following just one
or two important teachings. To commit suicide,
a small needle is enough! It is only to kill others
that one needs bigger weapons like knife, sickle
or sword!! Those who wish to preach to others
have to read a lot. Those who want to improve
themselves do not have to read much; they only
have to practice the little they read.
Swami, what is this Maya
[illusion, supposed to be created by God]?
There is no such thing as Maya;
it is all one's imagination. To think that you
are the body is Maya. You mistakenly believe
that you are something [body] that you really
are not; that is Maya. Truly speaking,
there is no Maya; it is all one's imagination.
Maya is like the shadow of a tree. What
casts the shadow? The branches of the tree and
not the rays of the Sun. If there are no branches,
there is also no shadow. The shadow called Maya
arises from the branches called human desires.
If there are no desires, then there is no Maya
as well!