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Welcome to this special issue of Heart to Heart, offered in celebration of the 78th Birthday of our Dear Lord Sai.

How does one do justice to the Infinite One, infinite in every respect, especially in His Incomparable Prema? One just cannot; it is absolutely impossible! Yet, even as the tiny squirrel attempted to show its Love to Lord Rama, we have endeavoured to make a small offering in the same spirit, and it is with similar feelings that we bring this special issue to you. Swami reminds us that one does not have to taste a whole mound of sugar to experience the sweetness of sugar; tasting one teaspoonful would do. Yes, though His Story is Infinite and Endless, we believe even a few glimpses of His Uniqueness and Prema, would be enough to make you all happy on His Birthday, wherever you are.

We are conscious of the fact that in preparing this volume we have had to leave out many wonderful things. But don't worry, what we have missed out now, we will offer in future issues. Meanwhile, may we with much love, invite you to partake of this slice of His Sweetness?


Volume 01: PDS / 06 Date : NOV 15 2003