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Dear Reader,

Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. Devotees constantly talk about the miracles of Swami. For most people, miracle means creation of objects, appearance of vibhuti on photos, and para-normal phenomena of various kinds. True the Lord can do anything at anytime anywhere. But do miracles stop with just what we normally believe them to be? Is not the human body packed with miracles of all kinds, as indeed the whole of the Universe is?

Consider, for example, coincidences. Many people, especially rationalists, would dismiss them as mere fortuitous accidents. But do you know what Swami says: He says that coincidence is a miracle in which He hides Himself! We are bringing this to your attention because many things are happening that we seem to take in our stride but which are nothing short of miracles.

Take our own case. We here connected with Prashanti Digital Studio and Radio Sai just cannot stop wondering about the fantastic things that have happened in just a little over two years. Today, Radio Sai can be heard literally all over the world. Is it not incredible, that wherever one may be, one can either via WorldSpace or via the internet, listen 24 hours a day to Bhajans and Discourses, not to mention other programs? And then, after a long stretch of faltering efforts, Swami’s Studio is now able to offer superb quality videos almost immediately after any function is over. Further, three times a week, a TV channel in India is broadcasting our programs under the title SPIRITUAL BLOSSOMS. In addition to all this, there is also the global webcasting which is fast getting into place. Things never seem to stop and right now, everyone here is running around to get ready for LIVE TELECAST ALL OVER INDIA OF THE SIVARATHRI FESTIVAL! Imagine that!! This year, on Sivarathri, people all over India from Arunachal Pradesh to Guajarat, and from Kashmir to Kanyakumari can actually see and hear, LIVE, what is going on in Prashantinilayam. In fact, we are exploring ways of sending the program all over the WORLD!

No one even dreamt of such a thing at the time of the 75th Birthday. But suddenly, without anyone of us here actually trying, they have all happened! If this is not a miracle, what then is it?

The Lord has many dimensions that we are scarcely aware of. Let us broaden our vision and not straightjacket Him or try to fit Him to stereotype patterns and conceptions.

We look forward to newer and newer ways of serving you and filling you with Ananda. With the Lord’s blessing we will too!

Thank you and Jai Sai Ram.



Volume - 2 Issue - 3 Radiosai Journal - PSN 2004