Stealer of Hearts
Volume 2 Issue 18 Oct 2004 Cover Story

Look at the Gopis (milk maids of Gokulam) and their yearning for the Lord! They never swerved from the path of Bhakti, of continuous Smarana (remembrance) of the Lord. When in pain you shout ‘Ayyo, appa or amma,” but the Gopis always called on Krishna only, whether in joy or in grief. A Gopi was moving along the streets of Brindavan selling butter and ghee and milk; but she was not crying aloud the names of her ware; she was calling aloud the names of Krishna, “Govinda! Damodara! Maadhava!” The Gopis forgot the very purpose of their visit to Brindavan, their very livelihood, their task of selling and earning. They stood watching Krishna, running along with a hoop and ignoring all else, they ran behind Him with a ball of butter in the hand, offering it to the Divine child who had captured their hearts, calling on Him to receive the gift; “Govinda! Damodara! Maadhava!”

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