Volunteering at the medical camp had a tremendous impact on
me. Toward the end of my trip, I realized I had gained as
much from the experience as the patients had from the excellent
care they received. I discovered I had more self-discipline
and patience than I thought. I developed a strong sense of
teamwork, as well as a new set of pharmaceutical skills. But
most of all, I learned how very fortunate and blessed I was.
Simple things like clean water, shoes, and decent medical
care, which I take for granted in America, are not always
available in India. Living, working, and interacting with
all kinds of people allowed me not only to experience the
rich tapestry of humanity but to see how very much we are
all alike.
It is up to all of us to do everything we
can to make this world a better place. Our contribution does
not have to be grand.