Those of us who have been fortunate to be in Swami's physical presence know, that He was happiest when He was giving. There would be a joyous glint in His eyes when He would shower gifts to the needy or inaugurate a project that would serve the desperate. And it is a share of that joy that Swami allows us to partake in when we set out as His emissaries. It would be most apt to conclude this feature with the words of one of the Sai Doctors from the UK who was part of this project. This is what the grateful devotee had to say, “Swami took all of us (handpicked by Himself) on a journey of discovery and adventure to meet our Filipino members of the family. He did this because our role in life is to discover our innate divinity, grow in love, and radiate this love to all, including those who do not like us. On this journey, He threw quite a lot of challenges at us to see to what extent we could work together, how competently each performed his allotted duties, and whether we saw Swami in everyone, and whether we enveloped all in our orbit of love. Going by Swami’s feedback following most of the camps done earlier, I personally feel that He would have been pleased to see us rise to meet at least His minimum level of expectations. Let us all thank Swami for giving us an opportunity to be part of His mission to change hearts and minds of other humans, armed only with our love, and to bring joy into their lives.”