Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
28 Oct 2021
To offer the second flower ‘Indriya-Nigraha’ that God loves, what are a few tweaks we can bring in our daily living that will make us sweeter? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.  

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Sathya Sai Baba

Tell your eyes to see God instead of watching unsacred things on television or video. Teach your ears to listen to stories of the Lord instead of listening to vain gossip. “Oh ears, you are interested in listening to vain gossip and tales about others, but you pay the least attention when the wonderful stories of the Lord are narrated”. Think for a while, how have you benefited from listening to unsacred things? In fact, you are polluting your heart in the process. All that you see and hear gets imprinted on your heart. Once your heart is polluted, your life will become meaningless. The human heart is like a pen. The colour of words you write will be the same as the colour of the ink in the pen. Likewise, when you fill your heart with love, all that you think, say and do will be suffused with love! God expects you to fill your heart with love and lead a sacred life.

- Divine Discourse, Aug 22, 2000.

Thursday Darshan Video - 381
To transform evil thoughts and actions into good ones, it is necessary to infuse
love into all thoughts and actions. - Baba