Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
Apr 20, 2022
How can we as mere individuals contribute to the wellbeing and peace of the whole world? Bhagawan lovingly explains it to us today.  

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'Beacons of Prasanthi Nilayam -
The inspired life of P Suryakantamma
- Part 15 - first aired on Apr 08, 2021'

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Sathya Sai Baba

Many postpone spiritual discipline to old age. This is wrong. Earn the precious reward while you are young and fresh. It is never too soon to begin. The tongue, eyes, ears, hand and mind should all be trained from childhood itself to avoid evil. If these are kept clean and holy, the grace of God is won. When the flesh urges you to fall into falsehood, do not yield, stand firm. When the individual is strong and steady, the family prospers; when the family prospers, the village is happy; when the village is happy, the country is secure and strong; when countries are strong and secure, the world is full of humility and reverence, charity and peace. Sing aloud the glory of God and charge the atmosphere with Divine adoration; the clouds will pour the sanctity through rain on the fields; the crops will feed on it and sanctify the food; and this food will induce Divine urges in man. This is the chain of progress.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 08, 1968.

The absence of harmony in thought, word and deed in each individual,
is reflected in the lack of unity among different individuals. - Baba