Developing faith in the Atma principle and loving it earnestly — this is the real worship. The Atma is the one and only Loved One for humanity. Feel that it is more lovable than any object here or hereafter — that is the true adoration one can offer to God. This is what the Vedas teach. The Vedas do not teach acceptance of a bundle of frightfully hard rules and restrictions; they do not hold before one a prison house where one is shut in by the bars of cause and effect. They teach us that there is One who is the sovereign behind all those rules and restrictions, One who is the core of each object, each particle or atom and each unit of energy, One under whose orders alone the five elements — ether, air, fire, water, earth — do operate. “Love Him, adore Him, worship Him”, say the Vedas. This is the grand philosophy of love as elaborated in the Vedas.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 1. |