For a world pursuing ever-receding happiness and peace which as a consequence is blinded by the fog of disappointment and disease, the Divine is the pillar of light that indicates the path to progress. Man has inherited this realm of work, this world which is but a vast factory, where he himself is fashioned from manhood to Godhood if only he applies his energy and skill diligently to that transformation. Man must work every moment of his life; he cannot avoid this burden. His very existence depends upon action, exertion and work. And work results in either good or bad, big or small, powerful or paltry. So, man has to be active on the right lines in order to avoid evil and pain. That is the duty he owes to himself. There may be differences among men in physical strength, financial status or intellectual acumen, but all are equal in the eye of God; all have the right and the potential to achieve the goal of merging in Him.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 03, 1972. |