Control of senses is the basis for any achievement
Puttaparthi, Poornachandra Auditorium (Sevadal Conference )
Control of senses is the foundation for all education. One cannot achieve success in any task without sense control. The Upanishads preached this concept as “Dama”. The Upanishads state that the individual without control over the senses is akin to a beast. It also states that the qualities of selfishness, innocence, crudeness and being a slave of senses- pertain to the beasts, which are below human beings. Being selfless, being egoless, having wisdom and control over senses are the true traits of a human. But unfortunately today man, forgetting the human traits and developing those of the animals, is trying to become like an animal. The person with sense control is called as “Damudu” as he has “dama” the power of sense control. Losing the control over the senses man becomes one of “mada”, the reverse of “dama”. And “mada” connotes pride in one’s existence. Upon losing the power of “dama”, the title of “sakshara” becomes “rakshasa” meaning a demon. Therefore one must, from the present moment, give up the demonic qualities, develop human qualities and enter the divinity, to experience a sacred life and the totality of sacrifice.
Students should have control over senses
00:00:39Therefore students should have full faith on the control over the senses. This age is very sacred, divine and a one that lays a royal path to bright future. It is the age where one builds the royal path to bright future. Today’s youngsters are the emancipators of this country. Sense control is the first and foremost lesson that the students should learn.
How to control senses
00:01:00How, should one control senses? One must realise that the senses are instruments, tools of work. The senses are called as “karanamulu”, the tools. One must control the tools but not be in control of the instruments. But unfortunately man is in the control of the tools and so is unable to perform any task. And it is not only that man is unable to perform any task but also that man is rendering the tool useless. Therefore, man must have sense control; then the senses will not cause any harm to him.
Suffering is caused when senses control oneself
00:01:33Today man feels that he has accomplished many things. Whatever man may accomplish, misery follows it as a shadow. Therefore these are not the things that are truly accomplished. These things merely investigate and experiment on man but it is not man’s accomplishment in true sense. Man thinks that he is experimenting but on the contrary it is the indriyas, the senses that are experimenting on man. One thinks that one enjoys at the expense of the senses; but it is the senses that are experiencing one’s expense. Man is not investigating this truth. Had man really triumphed over the senses, or had he enjoyed the senses there would not be any scope for misery. Therefore it is the senses that are triumphing and overtaking man. Senses enjoy at man’s expense thus making him weak and restless leading to suffering in many ways.
Nerves in the brain get damaged if you talk too much
00:00:41Therefore, to the extent possible, one needs to observe silence atleast for an hour in a day. Incessant talk makes the nerves in the brain weak. On the other hand, if one indulges in sanctifying and sacred talk, it recharges the mind and body. Indulging in scandals, criticisms and vain talks, diminishes the quality of life.
How to control the tongue
00:01:41Jayadeva had complete control over his senses; he was always immersed in Krishna consciousness. He taught his tongue thus, “O Tongue! You who knows taste! O sacred tongue! O wonderful tongue! O mysterious tongue! I want to give you a very good message. The tongue commits four sins. First, do not speak lies. Second, do not spread any kind of scandals. Third, never use harsh and hatred filled words for others. Fourth, do not talk too much. Committing the four sins, you become sinful and impious. You should sing ‘Govinda, Damodara, Madhava,’-the Lord’s name to atone these sins.”
How should we control and use our senses
00:03:12Surdas said, “O Lord! Everyone has eyes! Are they able to see you? They see all the crooked things and have narrow vision of life. Therefore eyes are those that see you.” One has ears, but they are engaged in listening to gossip and plain talk but not in listening to the glory of the Lord. What should ones’ ears listen to? One should listen to those things that are auspicious and sacred; ears are meant for that purpose and not to listen to gossip. Therefore one’s thoughts will be pure and sacred when one exercises control over one’s senses. Jayadeva had complete control over his senses; he was always immersed in Krishna consciousness. He taught his tongue thus, “O Tongue! You who knows taste! O sacred tongue! O wonderful tongue! O mysterious tongue! I want to give you a very sweet message. The tongue commits four sins. First, do not speak lies. Second, do not spread any kind of scandals. Third, never use harsh and hatred filled words for others. Fourth, do not talk too much. Committing the four sins, you become sinful and impious. You should sing ‘Govinda, Damodara, Madhava,’-the Lord’s name to atone these sins.”
Controlling ones emotions is true education
00:02:00We should recognize that the true meaning of education lies in ability to control one's own senses. It is natural for every human being to get emotional but he should make an attempt to control his emotions. One will lose his own honor if he lets his emotions uncontrolled.When such emotions comes over ,you must try to cool and bring it down.The medicine should be taken only when one gets a disease. It is foolish to say that i will take the medicines after the disease is cured. We are not displaying our true humanity when we show all our emotions and say that we are peaceful. Thus we must put together the result of experience and the experience based upon the Sastras to derive the greater benefit out of them.
Sense control is important
00:01:53Embodiments of Divine Souls! Man wants to know everything in this world, but he is not making an attempt to know about himself. He is also making an attempt to conquer and acquire everything in this world, but he is not making any attempt to conquer his own sense organs.This has been stated by hard hearted Churchill in a particular way. In the Puranas, Prahalada told his father that you have been able to successfully conquer all the worlds in a moment, but you have not been able to control your mind and senses. Today what we have to conquer and control are our own sense organs. If one is a slave to his own desires, then he will become a slave to the whole world. If one can conquer his own desires, then the whole world will follow him.
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