Happy Happy Happy.
More Quotes - English
1 .
All are one, Be alike to everyone
2 .
Do good, Be good
3 .
Duty is God
4 .
Hands in the society, head in the forest
5 .
Help ever hurt never
6 .
Hero becomes Zero, if he forgets God
7 .
I am in the light, the light is in me and I am the light
8 .
I and You are one
9 .
Knowledge without action is useless
10 .
Love and not lust is the essence of happy life
11 .
Love is God, Live in Love
12 .
Love lives by giving and forgiving
13 .
Man has conquered all, but he hasnt conquered himself
14 .
Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the World
15 .
Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world
16 .
Money makes many wrongs
17 .
Pleasure is an interval between two Pains
18 .
See no evil, See what is Good
19 .
Speak obligingly
20 .
Start the day with Love
21 .
Start the day with Love
22 .
Start the Day with Love, Fill the Day
23 .
Start the day with Love, Spend the day
24 .
The law of nature is Study
25 .
The one you think you are
26 .
There is only God
27 .
There is only One religion
28 .
What is the way to immortality
29 .
Where there is Confidence
30 .
Who is the poorest man in this world
31 .
Who is the richest man in this world
32 .
Work is Worship
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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