Swami on ancient and modern culture
When Brahma manifests with the four faces, the devotee looks at the manifestation and gets absorbed

Swami on Shivam, Shavam and Soham
The aspect of Eshwara is present everywhere. It is present firmly in our heart. Whom are we calling

The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere
Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi. The nature of Vinayaka is found everywhere. Vinayaka is the master of S

Significance of Shivaratri
Today is Maha Shivaratri. We experience night daily. That’s just ordinary night, full of darkness.

Man has Incredible powers
Man has infinite power within him. In this world there is no other power which is not present in man

Why are we in search of God
We don't need to search for God. Why do we search? Because there is no sanctity or sacred quality in

Who are theTrinity
In this world there are none who have seen Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara. Who is Brahma? Who is Vishnu?

Serve society and see God in everything
What is Shivaratri? You should develop auspiciousness as a quality. Let everybody be happy. Not feel