Students should develop common sense
Therefore, to begin with, students should participate in those actions that will are essential to th

Pure love would never change; An illustration
Many students are with pure love as long as they are in our institute but when they go out, they say

What is true love according to Swami
Ornaments may be different but gold is one and the same. Color of the cows may be different but th

How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must n

As is our association, so is our Mind
For both the good and bad qualities, Mind is the root cause. The good quality present in the Mind ca

Story of Muthu Swami iyyer, the greatest lawyer of India
There lived two brothers in a remote village in the then state of Madras. The elder brother was a vi

Why should we do namaskar to good and bad people; Kabir says
Kabir looked at good company as well as bad company and said that both of them should be respected.

We need to uphold the teachings of Adi Shankara
Today, you have learnt the verse of Sankara relating to Satsang and the benefits which Satsang conf

Develop goodness both qualitatively and quantitatively; With analogies
It is only when we are able to increase the good in us in a qualitative as well as a quantitative

Swami on good and bad company
Give up bad company. Run away from bad company. You should never be in bad company. The reason is, y