Nama Sankeerthana is the ideal form of chanting
Of all the forms of singing the glory of the Lord namely ‘bhava sankeertana’, ‘guna sankeertan

Redeem your lives by Singing His glory
There is none in this world who does not chant the Lord’s name. One thinks of God in one form or t

Chanting Rama's name and respecting elders turned Ratnakara into Valmiki
Sage Valmiki is the one who composed Ramayana, the history of Rama during the lifetime of Rama. He m

Chant the name of the Lord and do service
One must chant the Lord’s name while doing Seva. Chanting the Lord’s name wards away the evil th

Prema Muditha Manase Kaho
Prema Muditha Manase Kaho (Rama Rama Ram) X 3 Sri Rama Rama Ram; Paapa kate dukhmite leke Rama naam;

Prema muditha manase kaho
Prema muditha man se kaho, Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama,Rama,Ram! Rama!Rama!Ram! SriRama! Rama,Ram!! Paapa ka

One should not breed any differences in bhajans or in prayer
The bhajans were sung in a worldly perspective. Swami has observed it. The boys did not join the sin

Namasmarana is like the bore-well which draws water from the heart
There is water underneath the earth but how can man draw the underground water? There is soil and mu

Namasmarana is the most essential component in spirituality
In the path of spirituality, contemplation of the Lord is most important. By singing the glory of Go

With courage involve yourselves in God's service
Youngsters! You are human beings! You are the children of God! You are the reflection o