Do everything with a Divine approach
Where is ‘brahma’? Brahma is all pervasive; omnipresent. That is also called as ‘chaitanya’

Travel half an inch inside than to travel thousands of miles outside
Man today is unable to know his true nature, but he travels lakhs of miles to space. He does not tra

Truth is all-pervasive, truth is one, truth is God
‘Sat viprah bahuda vadanti’- truth is only one and that truth is God. It is that truth that is o

Same principle of Atma is present in everyone: With Analogies
Embodiments of Love!! Recognise that it is one Atma that pervades all. Do n

Swami on past life regression
Cultures of previous births are, rather, difficult to unravel and reconcile, during one’s present

What is Brahma Tattwa and Maya Tattwa: With Analogies
Lord Rama at one time was pretending to learn the 'Brahma tatwa', the principle of divinity from the

Everything is Brahman: With analogies
Embodiments of Brahman!! When a seed is sowed, it germinates into a plant and grows into

Service and love are two wings of the organisation
Every person must try to develop the divinity and sacredness latent in oneself and undertake service

No act of service is low: Analogies from Lord Krishna life
When people think of service, they seem to equate it with menial work, usually done by a servant. Th

Tila Madhye Yada Tailam
Embodiments of Love! Just as there is oil in the sesame seeds, ghee in milk, fragrance in a flower,

God is present in everything
At one time when Krishna was a child, he came to his mother Yashoda in great hurry. Yashoda looked a

Forget past, live in present and don't worry about future
Past is past, it is beyond recovery. In spite of all efforts one cannot regain it. Do not think abou

Indian culture taught humanity to see God in everyone
Since ancient times, the Bharatiyas have spread their sacred culture all over the world. This cultur

Swami on past, present and future
Man can think of the future. Man can also think of the past. Man can experience the present. But in

God who resides in everyone is only One
The whole world is universal mother. All are children of the whole world. Everybody is brother and s

Balvikas gurus will receive Gods grace
Whatever we do, we should regard it as being done in the name of God, as an offering to God. We shou