Search Results for Persevere

Do not preach, act: Story of Deer's meeting
Can any number of dogs equal a lion?? No! Never!! The modern day students persevere with false chiva

Determination must be inculcated to do Sacred activities
Having determined to do a task, Hold on till it is finished.

Follow your conscience, it knows the way: Concept of Sath, Chith, Ananda
One must never be in a hurry and enter into action peacefully. One should discriminate the good and

One should determine to do good in life: Determination is very important
Everyone must have perseverance. What for is the perseverance? It must be put in to do good deeds. O

Thoughts are passing clouds, do not entertain them
All the thoughts that come to a person are like the valueless dolls made of mud. They can be compare

Pattina Dedhiyo Pattane Pattitivi
Embodiments of Love! Whatever it is that one has caught onto, stay put till it is yours,

Our faith in God should be undeterred
Distortions, fear and illusions are not natural to man; they are external factors. There are neither
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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