Food and television are the causes for the agitation of mind
What is the cause for the thoughts that arise either in the mind or outside? One might conquer Indra

Man can put an end to the cycle of birth and death: With Beautiful Analogies
“Apart from the will of the Lord, there is man’s effort also, to some extent, in the process of

Talk Less and Understand the power of Silence
“Mitha bhasha ati haayi”-Talking less makes one happy. Noble people in the Sanyasa stage used to

How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must n

Silence improves the spiritual power: Talk less
That is the reason why the sages of ancient times took to silence and were able to realise the divin

Excessive talk leads to many problems: Practical analogies
Students!! The present day student is highly confused. The one who can talk does

Adhika Bhashinchu
Today there is more courage in talking excessively, Being action oriented is dwindling

Shut your mouth and open up your heart
People need to open their hearts and shut their mouths. But today people go in the wrong direction b
Discipline is must in every action we do
Discipline is therefore, a must in every single action one performs from dawn to dusk. In today

Nerves in the brain get damaged if you talk too much
Therefore, to the extent possible, one needs to observe silence atleast for an hour in a day. Incess

How to find peace and where is it
Where is peace? Physically, one is at peace in deep sleep. When the thought process is withdrawn, on