Search Results for You are God
You are God; Search within
Many say that they search for God. Where to search for God who is everywhere? Why to search for Him
Service is the biggest Sadhana
Service to others is means of great ‘Sadhana’, practice or spiritual exercise. People do other S
Unity makes India ideal
Embodiment's of love! Unity is the most essential today to mould Bharat as an ideal country. All our
Why are we in search of God
We don't need to search for God. Why do we search? Because there is no sanctity or sacred quality in
Sanctity of Human life
Certain qualities are increasing in our life. That is just a sign of weakness, nothing else. Some pe
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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