We need to repose faith in God: Story of Nana Saheb Chandorkar; A shirdi Baba Devotee
One must have implicit faith in God’s words and conduct oneself in accordance with it. Then alone

Ugadi is celebrated to understand the nature of the world
The birthdays of the incarnations are celebrated as festivals in Bharath. The birthdays of the relig

Respect your Motherland
Embodiment's of love! The sanctity, the sacredness in this country is not there anywhere else. There

God incarnates to re-establish righteousness
Depending upon the nature of the country, the passage of time and the individuals who live in that

Scriptures explain the essence of Seva
According to the culture of India and the traditions of Bharat, we have been told that mother, fathe

God incarnates to hold devotees as Ideals
People have been thinking that the incarnation of Krishna is an ideal person and he holds on to the

Principle of Love and its importance to Life
A man without love is a living corpse. The divinity of man can be recognized only in sacrifice and l

Avatars descend to teach love and Sacrifice
Everything in the world is like a passing cloud. It comes and goes. In this process a number of expe

True significance of Onam
Onam does not mean limiting the celebration to the preparation of rice-pudding and other sweets. We