How and when does the vibration enter the baby's body: Swami reveals the secret
How can one say that the body is matter? The doctors too can dwell on the question as to how this bo

The third eye for man is knowledge
Wisdom is main ‘eye’ gifted to mankind. Without the eye of wisdom, man is just an animal. There

You need to show gratitude for everything you receive
One has experienced so much. Having experienced so much how is one showing the gratitude? God does n

Three birth's in one life
The most significant karma in a man’s life lies in his natural birth from the mother’s womb. Thi
Prevention is better than cure; Doctor's role
Doctors are trying to cure a disease after it afflicts the person; Swami feels that efforts must be

Doctors are concentrating on physical ailments and not on mental ill-ness
Many doctors prescribe proteins as necessary and suggest eating meat and eggs as they contain protei

Rules of grammar do not come to your rescue
“Punarapi maranam, punarapi jananam Punarapi janani jathare sayanam, Iha samsare bahu

Swami on significance of Bhakthi
You are not increasing your faith in spiritual things but you are going down towards the material th

Swami on the devotion of Prahlada
Out of Leelavati's (wife of Hiranyakashapu) womb, Prahlada was born, but he got strength which was b

Swami on the principle of Soham
There is no God beyond the mother, there is nobody better than your father, beyond everything there

Importance of Mothers words
Mother's words are very sweet! She may beat you or scold you when she is angry but she can never hav

Talli Garbhamunundi Janminchinappudu
When a child comes out of the mother's womb, you cannot see anything around his neck, he doesn’t w