Search Results for Gossip
Taanu Cheyakunna
“People do not mind if they cannot do a work, but get jealous of others who do it. They gather nea
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience
Swami on the Shirdi Baba devotee, HV Sathe: Sathe Wada Experience Gradually the news about this B
Sai institutions provide everything at free of cost: With examples
A washer man had come from Gulbarga few days back. He said, “O Swami! You are truly God! We are cu
How a student should conduct himself: Powerful message
This age is very sacred; is one of divinity. This is the age that will bear sweet fruits. One must n
How should we control and use our senses
Surdas said, “O Lord! Everyone has eyes! Are they able to see you? They see all the crooked things
Swami on the behaviour of youngsters in colleges
How does this begin among youngsters? They go to a co-ed college where boys and girls come to get ed
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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