Search Results for Kriya

There should be harmony in thoughts, words and deeds: Anecdote of three brothers
There are three brothers in a house. There will be peace at home when the three brothers love each o

Students should lead ideal lives in society and become ideal: Message to students
Dear Students! At this age students must determine to mould themselves into id

What is Kriya Yoga according to Bhagawan
All that is outside is the reflection of the inner being. They are the reflections of the inner bein

Swami on three types of Shakthi
Therefore, Renunciation, Wisdom and Bhakthi are due to these things. Iccha Shakthi, Kriya Shakthi, J
This is an offering by Radio Sai Division (a unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust), Prasanthi Nilayam
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